Monthly archives: July 2003
News Flash!-Managers Overly Conservative
2003-07-31 18:38
The once-vaunted New York Times reports that there is a study -surprise!-"that managers, coaches and players are often far too cautious for their own good 'Teams are averse to going for all or none.'" In a related story, researchers are investigating claims that professional football are actually larger than the average American male and that the average heterosexual male is attracted to Anna Kournikova. Imagine that! And you thought our government was the only ones getting a nice boondoggle on someone else's dime. Professors get to watch a ton of sports, call it research, and report findings of the obvious. This all goes back to Bill James, the man of whom the academics are said in the article to be jealous. James in-I believe-the 1983 Abstract proposed his law of competitive balance that found that winning teams and losing teams develop separate and distinct strategies that favor the losing teams. Winning teams try to hold on to what they've got. Losing teams take risks. So how is that analogous? Replace "winning teams" with "employed managers". If a manger is employed, the most important thing is retain that cushy salary, which means not going so far out on a limb that Bobby V. and Harold Reynolds roast your managerial peccadilloes. Managers bunted when bunting was in vogue. They played small ball when the book was to play small ball. Slowly as offenses went berserk managers climbed out of the primordial sludge and walked upright-that is, they changed the strategy and were successful. Mangers walk Bonds so that they don't "Let him beat us". They'd rather have Benito Santiago or J.T. Snow beat them. Bless them. But at least everyone will nod in ascent when you pitch around Bonds, and the manger can accept the loss with honor. Like Nuke LaLoosh the manager has studied and knows his cliches-i.e., cliched approaches-well. They're his friends. As the story illustrates with the story of Yankee third base coach Mike Ferraro, who lost his assignment because he sent a runner home on a close play in the 1980 ALCS, going out on a limb can be ill-advised career-wise (though Ferraro did end up managing within two years).
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Jose, I Can't See
Tonight the A's picked up Jose Guillen from the Reds for Aaron Harang and a couple of minor-leaguers. On paper it seems like a great trade. The A's need outfielders and Guillen is batting .337 with 23 dingers and only makes half a mil a season. The Reds need young pitching and Harang was not going to be used by the A's. However, given the A's proclivity towards players with high on-base percentages, I can't see why they would try a player with a lifetime .315 OBP. I guess it boils down to which you think the real Jose Guillen is: The player who couldn't make it with the D-Rays two years ago and in 2002 had an OBP almost 100 points lower than this year's and had an OPS that was only 25 points higher than his slugging percentage this year or the best offensive player on the Cincinnati club. If I were Billy Beane I would be concerned that a rebuilding team like the Reds would jettison a 27-year-old that only makes $500 K. You could argue that they have three outfielders already. Or that they need pitching more. Or that Guillen's constant grousing tied their hands. Or that they know Guillen will cost them more in arbitration. But then again, Ken Griffey hasn't played a full season in three years, so an extra outfielder couldn't hurt. And that Harang is by no means the next Mark Prior. And grousing shmousing--his OPS is over 1.000! And arbitration is a half a year away. I think that Beane is trying to capture lightning in a jar. The needed at least one outfielder. They chased after Brian Giles but couldn't figure out a way to take on Jason Kendall's ill-advised long-term contract, a condition that the Pirates insisted upon (Giles is now said to be heading to the Padres). Guillen was the best he could get. Maybe, given that he's 27, Guillen's having his career year and he can help the A's upend the M's for the division title. I guess it's worth a shot given the A's apparent distaste for Harang, the overabundance of quality young pitching, their need for an outfielder, and Guillen's low salary. They really can't lose even if Guillen stink: It's a fair but that he'll do better than Terrence Long's .579 OPS and Jermaine Dye's .709 (i.e., the two men who have patrolled right field for the A's this season). It could be pointed out that Guillen never had an OPS over .750 in the American League. But then again, he never had an OPS over .750 in he majors before this year. This is all uncharted territory.
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A Mueller's Tale
2003-07-30 00:50
Tonight Bill Mueller became the first player in major-league history to hit a grand slam from each side of the plate in the same game.
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Mojo Jo-Joe Morgan Chat Day
2003-07-29 01:37
Overture, curtain, lights. Time once was that I would wake up at the crack of dawn and scurry down to the living room to watch those great Saturday morning cartoons. Yeah, college was great. Anyway, Saturday morning was the highlight of a kid's busy TV watching week. Heck, they would devote prime time specials starring teen pop sensations and other Republicans to the new lineup up of kiddy programies. The first thing I would do on Saturday mornings was flick the switch and check out the shows. Sid and Marty Krofft ruled the airwaves when I was kid, purveying mind-bending, Hunter S. Thompson-esque glimpses of magical worlds. The one hole in the lineup was Tom & Jerry. Somehow this antediluvian bit of nostalgia, replete with some sort of minstrel Mammy patrolling the kitchen, survived coelacanth-like while the rest of its ilk perished in the face of viewers actually expecting their entertainment to entertain. Tom & Jerry once danced with Gene Kelly and did have some odd beatnik-inspired, funky period, but by the time I was a kid they made the Three Stooges seem intellectual. All they had left to contribute to society was being the inspiration for the gloriously self-aware Itchy and Scratchy ("They fight and fight and fight and fight and fight..." Actually, this self-aware, "works on many levels" type of cartoon started with the original Ren and Stimpy (and don't forgot the Simpsons, "You EE-diot!"). Now the technique pervades almost every cartoon that you can find. Watching the Powerpuff Girl Movie with my four-and-one-half-year-old, I found myself laughing at things that went completely over her head ("I am no longer Jo-Jo. I am Mojo Jo-Jo", well maybe that wasn't over her head). While I love seeing Space Ghost being recast as a talk show host and I have probably seen every Spongebob in creation-even the lost episode-, I can't help but notice that when I went back to Ohio, my city was gone. Only in this case "Ohio" was Saturday morning cartoons and "my city" was a Holden Caulfield-like innocence. Letting the self-referential, tongue-in-cheek cartoons run rampant was like a Pandora's box from which the Archies, Josie and the Pussycats, and Marine Boy never returned ("Zoinks!"). So again you wonder what this has to do with Joe Morgan. Times once were when Joe's homespun idiocy was routinely swallowed whole cloth while we were a-whittling by the pot-belly stove ("Patooie"). Now, we sabermetrically-minded (or, for Ralph Wiley, sabtramatiracall-minded) have all sort of whizbangery to put such hokum to the litmus test. And yet I can't help to think that we've lost something. My friend Murray reminds me that even though Joe is oh-so nonsensical, there's always worse. Rick Sutcliffe took over the reins as town idiot for last weekend's Sunday Night Baseball: Oh, here's the best one. They were talking about playing winter ball, and Sutcliffe mentioned that although he played winter ball, he took French in high school, which wasn't so helpful. Miller of course, wondered aloud why maybe there wasn't any Winter League team in Martinique, and Sutcliffe said, "Well, there's probably a weather problem." Thank goodness there's Joe. He retains the innocence of our youth while the touches of unintended irony double our pleasure, double our fun. He's baseball's equivalent to Ren and Stimpy in one package. And like Old Faithful he blows on schedule once a week for chat day. So on with the Joe: this is it. The GoodBuhdda (New York, NY): Mr. Morgan, I just read that Andy Pettite ha sbecome the 1st pitcher in 75 years to win 12 or more games in his 1st 9 seaons. Do you think this is because he is a hall of fame type pitcher or that he has just benefitted from being a decent pitcher on a great team? Thanks for your time.
He's a good pitcher on a good team. If he performs like this for another 10 years, then we can start talking about the Hall of Fame. Right now, unless you are Pedro Martinez it's very hard to make a case for the Hall of Fame for a pitcher in his early thirties. At thirty, Black Jack McDowell was one of the most dominant pitchers in baseball. Soon he was out of baseball and now he is largely forgotten. He is the most similar to Pettitte through age 30 by the way.] The BadGoatse ( How does Felipe Alou do it? His offense (except for left field) is playing below their ability, their top closer is out, and their starting pitching isn't the best, yet they're on a huge tear. I'm left to assume this is Felipe's work, so how does he do it?
Bonds and Schmidt have helped? They have been lights out: Schmidt is arguably the best pitcher in the NL and Bonds continues to be the best player in baseball. Worrell has been as good if not better than Nen was last year. Youngster Jerome Williams has been very impressive so far. By the way, Joe lauded him last week and now gives him no credit. Their bullpen has been very good (6th in ERA in baseball) and even though their starters have had a few rough spots, they are 8th in ERA in baseball. They also have a team ERA of 2.00 since the break. The Giants are 13th in the majors in runs scored and just 9th in OPS. But they have had a solid core of good-hitting players led by Bonds (1.249 OPS, which leads the majors), Grissom (.831), Snow (.812) and Galarraga (.881) at first, Durham (.811), Cruz (.806), and Santiago (.785). Aurilia is basically a push (.727, slightly better than last year but below his career average). Offseason pickup Edgardo Alfonzo has been the only real hole on offense (.660). These are veteran players, a number of whom were acquired in the offseason by Brian Sabean. What does Alou have to do with their performance? The one affect that I see Alou having on the offense is his desire to get the dreadful Neifi Perez in the lineup. Alou has lavished 221 empty at-bats on Perez (.662 OPS). By the way, the Giants offense is 60 points better in OPS than the opposition on the year and 160 points better than the opposition since the break. The Giants are outperforming expectations by 6 games, but I would credit the deep bullpen or would chalk it up to luck before giving Alou the credit. It's not that he hasn't done a good job. It's just that a manager does not have that much control over such matters.] Aaron, Potomac Md: Hi Mr. Morgan, I am a huge fan of yours and love listening to you give commentary on games. I am a huge red sox fan and I am wondering if you think that with the latest trade of sauerback that they now have all the pieces they would need to reach the world series?
To answer Aaron's actual question, the Red Sox have severe holes in the pitching staff. Unfortunately, they are filled by the Red Sox' actual pitchers. Aside from Pedro and a short, interrupted stint by Kim, the Sox starters have been uniformly bad. It's a good thing that they didn't part with Casey Fossum, eh? They could use at least two starting pitchers. Their bullpen has been even worse, but it does seem that they have all the necessary parts. On Offense, they have been busy just getting ABs for everybody or to quote the unctuous Frank Rizzo in Scarface"All you have to worry about is what to do with all the f'ing cash."] Jason, Chambersburg, Pa: Good morning, Joe! I've got a hypothetical question for you. If the playoffs started today, the NL would be Braves, Astros, Giants, and Phils. I like the Phils chances because of how their starting pitching matches up. Who do you like? Thanks.
The Phils have had three holes on offense consistently this year: shortstop with Jimmy Rollins, left field with Pat Burrell, and third base with David Bell. Bell and Burrell are signed to big contracts, so the Phils have given them every opportunity and then some to right themselves. Rollins is a very popular player and once had a "future star" tag so until he ticks off Bill Conlin, he's going to eat a hole in their lineup. Actually the Phils offense improved greatly once Rollins and his .319 OBP were dropped from the leadoff spot in favor of the ever-improving Marlon Byrd. That said, clearly the two best teams in the NL have been San Fran and Hotlanta. Who would a short series between the two? Your guess is as good as mine. However, the Braves' deficiency (starting pitching) becomes less of an issue when you only need 3-4 starters. I'm still waiting for the bottom to drop out of Cinderella season for Furcal, Giles, Castilla, and Lopez. But it has not happened yet.] Brandon Henderson (Independence, MO): Should Major League Baseball mandate that the Metrodome's roof be changed to a color that isn't white? (such as skyblue) Do you think the roof is unfair for fielders?
Jay(Cleveland): Hey Joe. How will the Reds ever be able to put a legit contender on the field when they won't raise payroll? Dunn, Boone and Kearns will be due for big-time raises over the next 1-3 years. I can't stand the thought of those three or Junior putting up huge numbers elsewhere. But they seem to be the only appealing trade bait on the squad.
The Reds do spend money, just not wisely. The Reds outspend successful teams like the Royals, the Jays, the Marlins, the Expos, and the A's. Their 2003 salary is slightly more than the Twins. That's below average, but clearly other teams have been successful for less. Also, their salary went up about $8 M since last season, about a 15% increase. The Reds problem is trusting in wins to judge their pitchers' performance. Now, who advocates that again? Is it Satan? No, not his schtick. It must be you, Joe.] Joey, Nj: Is Ken Griffey Jr still a hall of famer even if he does not reach 500 home runs?
So yes, I think he will make the Hall of Fame.
That's not a difficult call at all. Griffey is a Hall of Fame-caliber player, period. His career OPS is 44% better than the league average. Who cares if he falls a handful of home runs short of 500? Gehrig, DiMaggio, Musial, Kaline, Kiner, Snider, Bench, Ripken, Mize, Berra, and Greenberg never collected 500 home runs either.] Ray Stinger,Jr.(Pittsburgh,Pa): Hi Mr.Morgan! I'm a Pirates fan(that's right!)and would like your opinion on the "rebuilding" of the Pirates (AGAIN!!) Will the Bucs in 2004 be better than the 2003 Tigers?
The Pirates were far from rebuilding. They overspend on Jason Kendall, Derek Bell, Pat Meares, Aramis Ramirez, and Kevin Young and went through pitching talent like it was going out of style. They were supposed to be a low-budget version of the Indians locking up players for blocks of years. It's just that they did a poor job of evaluating those players. Then last offseason they picked up some bargain-basement veterans like Kenny Lofton and Reggie Sanders. They traded Ramirez, Lofton, Williams, and Sauerbeck and in each case picked up prospects. If you don't have a good minor-league system, that's the only way to do it. They're trying to do the same with Giles and especially Kendall. That is rebuilding. It remains to be seen if they picked up decent prospects.] Greg, Pa: Can Pat Burrell ever turn this around? Should he be playing out of this? Or do the Phils look somewhere else in left field?
The Phillies signed him to a huge six-year, $50 M contract before 2003. Here's how that contract grows over the years (thanks to MLB Contracts): 2003: $1.0M (+$1.5M signing bonus) The Phillies have a big investment in Burrell. They want to get a return on that investment. Getting a new left fielder won't help them in this matter. But his season has been awful as my friend Murray points out: Pat Burrell went 0-for-4 yesterday to fall back under .200. Burrell has a .563 OPS and is slugging .246 against lefties. Burrell is a right-handed batter who had clobbered lefties in his career (1.034 OPS and .619 slugging). So this may the oddest development for Burrell. Either you give up on this season and allow Burrell to regain his confidence by only facing right-handers against whom he has been respectable this season (.743 OPS) and send righty Jason Michaels out against left-handers OR you hope that the lefties that he has coming up will help him shake this season-long funk. Neither option is enviable though.] James Howlett: Is Barry Bonds kidding me with his remarks about Babe Ruth ? while Bonds is definitly in the top 5 players of all time, has he forgotten that Babe Ruth did all of that in less games played, in bigger ballparks, and he was a pitcher !! what are your thoughta on that Joe ?
Who cares what Bonds has to say? He's entitled to his opinion though I don't agree with it. Are your opinions so shaky that a few offhanded remarks by Bonds will affect them? If not, why is it an issue? Oh, because there was a reporter there to catch it. Perhaps he could have said in a more diplomatic fashion. But, in summation, who cares?] The UglyJerry(Salt Lake City, UT): You once said that the Reds teams you played on understood what it took to win games, which set them apart from other teams that had a lot of talent. Which team this year is the most like that?
If it were the end of 2002 Joe would have answered the Angels. Let's wait until the Series and then Joe will pry the winning team into the Big Red Mold-though of course the modern team will be far inferior. Anyway, "every player [knowing] his role and what he was supposed to do" is what makes you win? How about talent? Pure tripe.] Brad New York, NY: "Some Mets fans are also Yankees fans" - completely incorrect; you can't be both...
But I do understand your point! Maybe I overstated it.
Besides I know plenty of Mets fans who jump on that Yankee bandwagon around playoff time. Anyway, this is a reference to Joe's weekly article. So let's take a looky-see at that:]
By the way, the Expos did not have the lowest payroll in 2002 or so far in 2003. That honor falls to the D-Rays. The Expos are 24th of 30 teams.]
By the way, Minaya acquired and traded Colon, Floyd, Herges, Chen, Truby, et al. None of them lasted a year. And just about every time a player was traded the Expos ended up bleeding prospects. By the way, I think it's odd that a man who claimed he wasn't well-informed to discuss trades last week is ready to assess the Expos trade possibilities.] Matt (VA): Hey Joe. I was reading this article the other day where it had this poll on the greatest player ever to play at each respective position. At left-field, almost everyone put down Ted Williams. Not to say he wasnt a great great player, but wouldnt you say Hank Aaron was better? He gets overlooked to much in my opinion.
If that's the question, then you are both off-base. Did you ever hear of Barry Bonds? The man gets no respect just because he disses the Babe. If the question is who was better Williams or Aaron, I agree with Joe. It's Aaron. But Ruth was a better right fielder than Aaron. Actually Ruth is split between left (1057 games) and right (1131). "I did not know that." So you could stick him in either spot.] Brian Boston: Hey Joe! what do you think the demand for players like Guerrero and Tejada will be at the end of the season? Do you think either will get $20 mil or has that time past? Tejada is a better player than Jeter who makes that much but is vastly overpaid. Is this or his poor season going to affect his next contract? And if Guerrero takes a discount to stay in Montreal how will that effect players the next year (Nomar and Pedro for instance)?
So Guerrero is super but Tejada is just nearly super. Ah, poor Miggie! Like John Winger, Guerrero is "the last of a dying breed". Huh? Guerrero is a great player, but there are other very good young players out there. Why is he the last? Tell me that Albert Pujols is not going to command "Real money, Amigo money" (Yes, that is a Three Amigos reference). By the way, I am not Derek Jeter's biggest fan, nor do I think he's "dreamy", but Jeter has been a better player over his career than Tejada. There's no question. Tejada was better in 2002, and may be better over the course of their careers, but Jeter has been a clear-cut Hall-of-Famer yet far. The same cannot be said of Tejada.] Chris-KC: Good morning Joe Will the Royals have any chance of keeping their young talent for seasons to come or will Baird cut them all lose at the end of the season to save $$?
Super Money!?! Do they have any Super Players on the Royals as well? Salaries have not gone down. They increased about 2.25% over last year. The increase is smaller than usual but still an increase. Also, the Royals' team payroll went down about $11 M in 2003. They should have the cash for at least one big-name player if not more with the added revenue of fielding a winner.] Steve (Los Angeles): Mr. Morgan, A friend and I feel that there are far too many "gift" double plays, where the umpire concedes the out of the runner going to second, but it seems the 2nd baseman or shortstop tag the base before they receive the ball, or the play is out of sync in some way. What are your thoughts?
This is pure revisionist history. Tell me that Joe never took a gift double play. Here's what I said when Jayson Stark got uppity on the topic as part of his 25 Things Wrong with Baseball ordeal: Here we go again:7.08 Boulder, CO: Hi, Joe. I grew up in Dayton, OH in the 70's. You were an example of not only a great player but a team leader who had the intangibles. Why do think so many players lack the intangibles these days? Thanks, Jim
Which came first, the fundamentals or the intangibles? According to Joe, it's the egg, er, the fundamentals. Of course, a team must be fundamental sound to succeed. But how can you measure or even evaluate that? Intangibles are even worse since you can't tange them, let alone measure them. I'll leave the hokum to Joe and stick to good old reliable facts. Without facts, you can't have the tangibles intangibles it takes to make the difference in close chat sessions.] GG- St. Louis, MO: Mr. Morgan, What is your take on Tony La Russa's management style? He takes a lot of heat here in St. Louis for his approach. Does he go overboard in in style? Thanks
However, "I did two books, Baseball for Dummies"-what, was it an unfinished trilogy? "Baseball for Dummies At Rest" is due out any day now. Now to the content: he picked the top-10 managers for what period? All time or just the current time? I can't believe that Joe McCarthy John McGraw, Earl Weaver, Connie Mack, and their ilk could be beaten out in anyone's book by Alou. So let's assume he refers to the top-10 active managers. First, that's not much of a list. You have 30 active managers plus maybe an old inactive Davey Johnson or two. Who cares about the tenth guy on that list? Second, how can he rank Alou, who entered the year under .500 as a manager for his career (691-717 for a .491 winning percentage) and whose teams had never made the playoffs, higher than Bobby Cox, who has won nearly three times as many games (1805 to start the year), whose career winning percentage is .562, and whose teams have finished first 12 times? Or higher than Lou Piniella, who has won about twice as many games and whose teams have won a world series and four division crowns. Or higher than Joe Torre-twice as many games won, four World Series, and 7 division titles. Or Davey Johnson or Baker or LaRussa? Frankly I cannot comprehend how Alou even made the top-10. Yes, LaRussa is a good manager, but his team is underperforming and he has to take some flak. The manager gets the credit when the team wins. He should take some blame when they fail. Maybe that will be in "Baseball for Dummies, Part Eight".]
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Firings a Boone for Reds
2003-07-28 12:31
The Reds fired GM Jim Bowden and manager Bob Boone today. Triple-A manager Dave Miley (who lived across the street from me when I was a kid, and whom I once hit with an apple--probably not the same guy) takes over for the rest of the year for Boone. Bowden will be replaced by a small patch of brown liquid. Upon hearing the news, Bowden immediately fired Tony Perez.
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Mojo Jo-Joe Morgan Chat Day
2003-07-28 08:45
Coming soon!
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Minnesota's Little Helper
2003-07-27 01:01
A former Metrodome superintendent claims to have attempted to aid the Twins in close, late-inning games by, to quote Trading Places, giving them "the winds something awful." Says said ex-Schneider disciple Dick Ericson: "If they (the Twins) were down two runs and you're still hoping for them to have the advantage, you'd want to be blowing all the air out and up as much as you can." One such wind-aided dinger was Kirby Puckett's game-winner in the eleventh inning of the sixth game of the 1991 World Series. But he calls his machinations "your home-field advantage. Every stadium has got one." Yeah, maybe in the Cold-War era Soviet Union. At least he claims to have done it on his own without any instructions from the Twins. Like everything that has transpired in baseball since Abner Doubleday apocryphally invented the game, Bobby Valentine, the famous Bobby V, know about it years ago: "I became very suspicious, maybe paranoid. They had such an uncanny way of winning." Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean people aren't against you (Frank Burns). A professor of fluid dynamics had previously run two separate tests in the Metrodome. One found that balls traveled an average of three feet farther when aided by antics like Ericson's. Then the second found no effect. So your guess is as good as his and you didn't have to take any Quantum Physics classes to formulate yours. I consulted the Bible, Robert K. Adair's The Physics of Baseball, and found that Adair (p. 17) indicates that a batted ball with an initial velocity of 110 miles per hour will travel something like 20-30 feet farther if aided by a 10 MPH wind. Adair goes on to discuss the effects of wind on the pitcher, something not tested by the fluid dynamics professor. Adair found that fastball pitchers were not affected by wind in the faces but curveball pitchers will find their ball approaching the plate more slowly (though Adair says that it's negligible except for slower curves, p. 43). I guess there's not much that MLB can do about the past, but they can ensure that it is not happening today. It seems to fly in the face of fair play. Consider the following rule: 3.13 "Our ground rule is that we get help in the late innings of a close ballgame by having our long flies blown over the wall for a round-tripper, OK?" I don't think it would fly. Then again the Mets have done so much sucking of late but they have yet to be reprimanded.
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Joy in Mudville
2003-07-25 13:09
The Mudville Magazine has a great article on The Baseball Reliquary. The Reliquary is a wonderful organization that views baseball with the same childlike awe that we all had when we kids learning the game's folklore. It reminds me of the Strange But True Baseball Stories books that I read as a kid, but a bit funkier. Here are two of their exhibits: The Babe Ruth hot dog from the famous "Bellyache Heard 'Round the World"... And good ol' number 1/8 Eddie Gaedel's jock: Check them out for more incredible momentos that you'll never see in Cooperstown.
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The Gap of Luxury
2003-07-25 01:01
Weep on! and as thy sorrows flow, Baseball released its payroll numbers for luxury taxes and-surprise!-the Yankees are the only ones who pass the $117 M threshold. I did a little research though and found that salaries remained relatively flat over the last year. I took the payrolls from an October 11, 2002 AP article that I found at Doug Pappas' Business of Baseball site. However, these numbers are based on 25-man rosters and the ESPN report is based on 40-man rosters. Therefore, I added 15 spots to each team with each spot receiving the league minimum $200K. Also, I added $7,552,271 for health benefits and so that the Yankees don't have to lay off more office staff. I also calculated luxury taxes for 2002, had they then existed. Here's what I got:
Salaries are a lot flatter apparently this year. But are they equally flat for all teams? Let's take a look. First, I calculated the difference between the 2003 and 2002 salary per team. Then I represented that as a percentage of each team's 2002 payroll. Next the teams were grouped based on 2002 payrolls. The Yankees were in a class by themselves and then the rest were group at about a half-dozen at a time whenever an appropriately large gap presented itself. Then the payroll differences and percent increase/decrease were calculated per group:
Note the largest dropoff was in the highest salaried teams (aside from the Yankees). The next group stayed about the same and then the next two groups grew at 5-6%. What this means is that the Yankees' payroll increase looks even sharper when compared to the other high-salaried teams. Let's take a look at team payrolls based on 2002 and 2003 "Yankee dollars", meaning using the Yankees' payroll each year as the standard (i.e., $1.00) and representing the other payrolls as percentages of that:
That's quite a change. Consider that Minnesota increased its payroll by the fourth largest amount in the majors ($13 M, behind the Yankees, Phils, and Cards) but had exactly the same value for Yankee Dollars each year. The Phils were the only team to see their Yankee Dollars increase in 2003. The highest 2003 value (i.e., the Mets') was twenty Yankee Cents less than the highest in 2002 (Boston's) and the lowest was 13 Yankee Cents less (Tampa Bay for both). One interesting side note, the Astros seem to have the finger on the pulse of whatever is afoot here. They are the closest to average in just about every category so far. The 'Stros took on Jeff Kent's contract but just had a small increase in payroll. So what does it all mean? Are the highest-salaried teams (aside from the Yanks) just attempting to avoid the luxury tax? Are the lower-salaried teams spending more in anticipation of actual Yankee dollars stuffing their coffers? Who invented liquid soap and why? Of course, each team has its own set of issues and is to a degree working independent of the rest. But the market does help dictate salary trends. To help make sense of it all, let's look at the necessary salary costs incurred in winning. Here is a table of team wins for 2002 and what each win cost that team in 2002 payroll:
The Yankees are not first and are only about 50% higher than the average. Also note that playoff calliber teams are scattered throughout with the A's-surprise!-getting the best bang for their buck. Now let's look at the numbers based on 2003 projected wins and the ESPN payroll numbers:
If the season ended today teams that are numbers 1, 7, 10, 13, 14, 17, 19, and 30 in payroll per win would make the playoffs. In 2002, teams number 2, 7, 10, 15, 17, 23, 29, and 30 made it. So much for the Blue Ribbon Panel's postseason research by payroll quartile. That translates into an average payroll position of 13.875 for 2003 playoff teams and 16.625 for 2002 playoff teams. This is an extremely small sample, but it is possible that teams spending more money are now more likely to make the playoffs. Also the standard deviations for the two year's playoff team positions have shrunk (10.18 in 2002 to 8.66 in 2003) meaning that the playoff teams are clustering nearer to the average. It should be noted that the standard deviation for payroll dollars per win overall increased significantly, from $266 K in 2002 to $317 K in 2003. Even if you remove the anomalous Yankees from the equation, there is still a large increase ($257 K to $283 K). So if you are expecting the Billy Beane revolution to take hold throughout the game, you may have to wait a bit. If you look at the standard deviation for team payrolls it increased overall from last year to this year, ($25,692,726 to $29,124,676). However, again ignoring the Yankees returns a slight decrease ($22,925,727 to $22,512,263), meaning that the team payrolls outside of the Bronx may be converging. So what do I think it all means? Way back in the negotiating process for last year's CBA, the owners started bandying around ideas that sounded pretty close to a salary cap. Even in the final agreement, there were many, including yours truly, who called the new system a de facto cap. I think that given the indicators above there is some validity in that claim. Payrolls aside from the Yankees have grown much more slowly and they are tending to converge. However, the approach taken varies per team. Therefore, what teams are paying per win has diverged. So if anyone is concerned with the homogenization of baseball that a cap would engender, it doesn't appear to be an issue. Teams like the A's and Jays who spend wisely will still win for less money and teams like the Rangers and Mets (at least in Steve Phillips' day) who overspend for marginal talent will still get a bad return on their investment.
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Wiley's Sotto Voce, Super Genius...Not! IV
2003-07-25 00:48
I just wanted to make a couple of points regarding Sailer's article, which is a good summation en toto. First, I agree that a good number of Latin players, especially Dominicans, are free swingers who follow the adage that one cannot "walk off the island". As Sailer points out this may change as future players tailor their game to match organizations needs. It should also be pointed out that the go-between in evaluating these players are the major-league scouts. Sailer refers to Moneyball, Michael Lewis' homage to Billy Beane, and in the book one finds that Beane is still heavily reliant on his scouts for information. Even though they do end up drafting a Jeremy Brown or five based mostly on statistical evidence, they do consult with the scouts to get a feel for the player's personality and adaptability to profession ball. And that's for the players in college ball where their statistical record is easily accessible. I would doubt that the stats for every Latin player are as easy to find. Therefore, for these players more reliance on the scouting system is required. Therefore, Latins are selected based on the more archaic of baseball measuring sticks, the scout, who is still looking for the type of player that Billy Beane was throughout his highly anticipated yet highly unsuccessful career. Also, GMs may ignore Latin players if all they have to go on is a "Good Body" scouting report. I have a few other minor issues: The explanation as to how the reliance on stolen bases and ignorance of on-base percentage for leadoff hitters let to the dearth of hitting in the Sixties and Seventies is a bit facile. I'm sure it was a factor but to say that Maury Wills caused the statistical averages for all hitters to drop significantly is an overstatement. Sailer also states that: Sabermetricians have done less to revolutionize thinking about pitching, however, because baseball already possessed an excellent statistic in the earned run average. I beg to differ. Sure, ERA is a much better tool than batting average, but if Voros McCracken's research and development of the DIPS (Defense-Independent Pitching Stats) are not revolutionary, I don't know what is.
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Wiley's Sotto Voce, Super Genius...Not! III
2003-07-24 08:58
Steve Sailer has a good look a sabermetricians and their perceived racism. Also, Eric McErlain has an overview of articles that have cropped up in response to Wiley. I have comments--don't I always?--but have to go to meeting right now.
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Wiley's Sotto Voce, Super Genius...Not! II
2003-07-24 00:38
Here's a little slice of delusion from Ralph Wiley's chat and love-in session earlier today: jeff, boston ma: Ralph, I thought it was shameful the way you implied Bill James and other sabermetricians de-vaule the SB because they have racist leanings. James thinks Rickey is one of the greatest players of all time. OK, first it's not "Rick"; it's "Rickey". Rickey refers to Rickey so many times in the third person, how can your forget Rickey's name? Second, SI did not ask him to "right" a piece. They asked him to write it. What was the piece off course and needed a sure pilot like James to right it? Or was the piece wronged by some roue and it needed the masked avenger, James, to right the wrongs done to it? Wiley is a grate righter tho, Eye reed hymn awl the thyme. Contrast this response to Wiley's original statement: It is usually the American-born blacks' records and place that are resented instead of celebrated. For example, it's the stolen base that is denigrated as a weapon by baseball sabermaticians [sic] like Bill James, at precisely the time when a Rickey Henderson steals 130 bases in a season. There are sour grapes when a baseball man uses stats to tell you a stolen base isn't important. Any time a baseball manager will give up an out for a base, as with a sac bunt or groundball to the right side, any time a base is so precious, then it goes without saying that the stolen base must be important. Not the CS, the caught stealing, or stats of success rates, but the stolen base itself. "James was supposedly a big fan of Rick's... the tone within that section of the piece did imply that, I think now'? I think Wiley's referring to his own piece (piece of what?) here, not James' article on Henderson. The reason I say that is is that he goes on to, "[B]ut I am not as fine as I like to be sometimes. Writing is like pitching. (or hitting). You are not going to always put the ball exactly where you want, but I'll say this. It was still the right velocity." So to paraphrase, "I screwed up but it was an honest mistake." James is characterized as a man with an agenda using stats to "denigrate as a weapon" an individual because he holds an "American-born blacks' record". But one email from an editor gets Wiley to rehabilitate James to the point that the problem now is a "systemic thing James just happened to be part of" and that he "meant no harm to Bill James." I'm schizophrenic, and so am I. By the way, why didn't the editor point this out before ESPN published Wiley's tripe to begin with? I'm sorry, I used to work for a publisher whose editors actually edited, but I probably just don't get ESPN's paradigm. Oh, and sorry for trying to inject logic into the situation. Maybe the systemic thing is the problem of allowing hacks with an axe to grind a forum in which to bloviate on topics, on which they have not even a pedestrian understanding. Heck, you can't even get away with that in the blogging world. After reading Wiley's chat response I have even less respect for him. He was a just hack righter before, but at least he had convictions. James was a racist hiding under the cloak of "sabermetrics". Now, he wants to just pretend he didn't say it? It's like the old Gilda Radner character Emily Latella spouting off on topics that she mishears: "What's all this I hear about banning violins in school?" How can anything that he says from this point forward have any credibility? Oh, you say it never did? "Never mind." [By the way the headline was a reference to "Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius". I bit of a stretch, eh?]
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Once There Was a Man Named Jesse
2003-07-23 11:09
The Yankees and Red Sox unsured that there would be no lefty-gap yesterday when both clubs picked up a left-hander for their bullpen. The Sox got Scott Sauerbeck for one-time embattled close Brandon Lyons (they also swapped minor-leaguers) as Boston continues their year-long tinkering with the bullpen. When Sauerbeck pitches in a Red Sox uniform for the first time, he will be the 21st man used out of the Boston bullpen. He'll also be the sixth man in that pen to have pitched for another club besides Boston this year (Lyons will make seven). And he is a very intelligent looking man... The Yanks followed up by getting the old man of the hill, 46-year-old Jesse Orosco. If you look Orosco up in Baseball Reference, you'll see that that two most similar pitches to him at his age are two Hall-of-Famers (with similarity scores): Hoyt Wilhelm (782) That's pretty impressive until you realize that there have only been twenty pitchers who have pitched in their 45th year and very few were predominantly relievers: Nick Altrock Another thing to consider about Orosco is that he is now on the club with the best record in the AL and given that club's history, recent or otherwise, he has a good shot of winning another World Series. It has been 17 years since his last World Series win with some other New York team. Then... And Now... Orosco has aged well since then. Then again, he appeared well-aged at 30. Anyway, this got me thinking if that would be the largest gap for a player between World Series victories. I did a query and found that there were four names that had at least 17 years between their first and last Series:
The only thing is that there were two Ernie Johnsons (one on the 1923 Giants and one on 1957 Braves) and two Pedro Borbons (1975-76 Reds--of Airplane! fame--and Jr. on '95 Braves) who spanned those years. That leaves the Babe and Palmer--I think there was only one of each of them. They both had a 17-year span between their first and last World Series win. However, both won Series in the intervening years: Palmer one in 1970 and Ruth, another 5. So if the Yankees win the World Series and if Orosco is still part of the team at that time, he'll be the first to have a 17-year wait between World Series parades. Then again, at his age almost anything he does will be a first in the majors. Also, both Palmer and Ruth were twenty years old and were embarking on their first complete season in the bigs when they won their first World Series. Orosco was nine years older and had already recorded 7 seasons in the majors.
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Filling Cubbie Holes
2003-07-23 00:13
The much-rumored trade between the Cubs and the Pirates finally went through today. The Cubs get third baseman Aramis Ramirez and center fielder Kenny Lofton for shortstop-cum-third baseman Jose Hernandez and a couple of minor-leaguers. The two moves fill the holes that were created when center fielder Corey Patterson went down with a season-ending injury and third baseman Mark Bellhorn had a 200-point slugging and 225-point OPS dropoff earlier this year. Hernandez replaced Bellhorn and then decided to channel him, batting .188 with a .570 OPS (both had two home runs for the Cubs in their short stints). Ramirez is 9 years younger than Hernandez. He is having a good year (.786 OPS) but has been succeptable to power outages as well (especially in 2002). His three years as a starter have ranged from awful to very good, so who knows what the Cub can expect? The good news is that he is just 25; the bad news is that he will make $3 M this year and will make $6M in 2004 (there's no mention if the Pirates will take on any of that salary--I think not though). Chicago also rents two months and change of 36-year-old Kenny Lofton's career. He has been a consistently above-average player at the end of his career. He carries a respectable .773 OPS and his home run total projects to 15 on the year, which would match his career high. Unfortunately, his .334 OPS represents a career-low and even though he has 18 stolen bases, those numbers don't speak well of a leadoff hitter, but that's is probably where the Cubbies will insert him in the lineup (except against lefties probably). Ramirez pushes Alex Gonzalez down to seventh in the order (again probably), giving the Cubs three right-handed bats at the bottom of their order--seven when Karros spells Choi (preceded by Alou, Sosa, and Grudzielanek, in reverse order). Chicago finally got the deal it wanted. Now we'll just have to see if it was the right deal.
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The Joe Morgan Chat Day The Music Died
2003-07-21 10:13
Marty DiBergi: Do you feel that playing rock 'n' roll music keeps you a child? That is, keeps you in a state of arrested development? We here at Mike's Baseball Rants love the Joe Morgan but we love the Joe Morgan Chat Days even more. But then again, who couldn't after last week's sublimely ridiculous offering? Joe's handlers must have adjusted his medication this week though-for the first time in recent memory I have nothing to put in "The Ugly" category, But don't fret gentle reader, there is always plenty to enjoy in a Joe chat (as opposed to a Joe Pa). This week I have come to the conclusion that, just like Album-Oriented Rock (or AOR) cum Classic Rock, Joe is Derek Smalls' "preserved moose". Open the music section of your local paper and you will see that bands that you thought had broken up years ago are still touring like mad. My musical youth is still paraded up on stage by performers who are reluctant to pass the dutchy to the under-40 whippersnappers. There were always those Spinal Tap-inspired "Black Sabbath featuring Tony Iommi"-type bands, that is with only one surviving member going for the cash. Somewhere the Temptations are still performing. This reminds me of a story that juggler/comic Michael Davis used to tell before juggling an axe. "This axe once belonged to George Washington," he began. "I replaced the head and the handle. But it occupies the same space." But now reunion tours abound as well. "Welcome back to the Age of Jive". The Eagles have had more farewells than Barbra Steisand. You can hear "Mr. Roboto" performed by some semblance of Styx. Styx lead singer and pianist Dennis DeYoung actually wrote a song for the All-Star game that either did not make the broadcast or I blinked and missed it (or more likely I winced after the fiasco that was the "League of Extraordinary Gentleman" opening and the woodenly mannequin Jeannie So-at-last-go, or whatever her name is). The Who continue to play as some sort of tontine with the last surviving member inheriting their empire. So much for "I hope I die before I get old." Oddly and in sharp contrast to the Who, the Stones, remain intact though Keith Richards' desiccated mug would give Freddy Krueger nightmares. I recently caught a performance by them on HBO and couldn't help thinking of the skeleton band in that Grateful Dead video. And boy is it depressing to think that I can remember when Stevie Nicks was a sultry belladonna. So too is Joe resting on his MOR laurels as a broadcaster. Joe was once the greatest second baseman of the latter half of the twentieth century. Well, he is still is, but it's hard to tell by the tripe he dishes out on a regular basis during his game broadcasts and in his propagandistic pontifications on ESPN online. Joe has even taking to denying his misstatements of late proving that no one could accept such pap when presented impersonally. Now, watch me paste this pathetic palooka with a powerful pachydermous pitch. The GoodUtek (LA): Hi Joe. I've got a question about second basemen for you. Traditionally, the only position on the infield that left-handed throwers are allowed to play (besides pitcher) is first base. But I contend that a left-handed throwing second baseman would be an asset, because arguably a second baseman's most important throw---and the one he has to get off the quickest---is to second base, on double plays and force outs. A lefty wouldn't have to pivot to make these throws. So Joe, as a left-handed hitting Hall of Fame second baseman yourself, do you think we'll ever see a left-handed throwing second baseman in the major leagues?
Here is a chart of the years in which a left-hander played second and the resulting stats compared to the overall stats for second basemen in the year:
You'll notice that the most enticing thing was that relay to second for a force out or to start a double play. The A PCT% indicates this. It is based on the ratio of assists to total chances for lefties as a percentage of all second basemen. They remain very high, mostly higher than the average second baseman (i.e., over 100%-it is hard to tell though as the sample size shrinks). Double Play percentages are likewise pretty good: given that a lefty second baseman's relay to first would be slowed greatly, the fact that the DP% numbers are as high as they are represents a big advantage with second basemen starting a double play. So managers still tinkered with lefty second basemen to get the advantage of the throw to the shortstop/third baseman to get a lead runner or to start a double play. However Hal Chase seemed to spell the death knell. Even though he handled many more chances per game than an average second baseman-he was known as very good fielder at first-and his fielding percentage was respectable, he started fewer double plays and doled out fewer assists. Maybe the thinking was if a good fielder like Chase could no longer give you the advantage of a throw to the left side of the diamond, then there's really no point in trying a left-hander at second. I would think this is just part of the evolution of the position. Right-handed second basemen improved the technique to the point that being able to throw more easily to the left side of the infield as a lefty was no longer a real advantage. But whatever the case, I agree with Joe that the left-handed second baseman as a viable option is deader than a doornail (though like Charles Dickens I agree that a coffin nail would be a more apropos metaphor).] The BadLyle Goleta, Ca: Pete Rose was great, but he never was extremely great. Do you think he is even good enough to really be thought of as one of the elite baseball players of all time and one of the neccesitites to be in the hall of fame?
John Currie, Minnesota: Exactly how good will the Twins be for the rest of the season and do they have enough to make it to the playoffs.
But, Joe, this is not basically the same team as last year. Gone are David Ortiz, perhaps their best power hitter, and Bobby Kielty, who looked like one of their best young players last year, to be replaced by Shannon Stewart, who brings speed to a lineup that already features Luis Rivas, Torii Hunter, and Cristian Guzman. Also, I don't anyone would agree that Kenny Rogers replacing Eric Milton has been a smooth transition. Besides, last year's team played well over its head if their expected record from the Pythagorean formula is any indication. One would have expected the Twins to be eight games worse in 2002 based on the runs that they scored and they allowed. This was a team with a five-year plan when Gardenhire took over. They got a bit lucky in year one with a weak division and a team that gelled quickly. A slight return to earth is not unexpected. The one concern may be that in their rush to duplicate 2002, they may give up on the five-year plan and start to Shannon Stewart their future away.] Josh Calgary Alberta: We all saw Wells Delgado and Halladay represent Toronto in the allstar game. I feel its a team with a lot of young talent and want to know who else you see as becoming allstars from that system.
The Blue Jays have a bunch of young position players that showed promise in 2002 and appeared to be knocking on the doorstep of the All-Star game, to mix metaphors. That includes Orlando Hudson, Chris Woodward, Eric Hinske, and Josh Phelps, all of whom have taken a step back so far in 2003. They picked up a similarly underachieving youngster in Bobby Kielty. They all looked capable of being future All-Stars last year. We'll have to see if they bounce back. It is remarkable that the Jays are in a pennant race, at least as wild card, and a number of their young players are underperforming and their staff is a wasteland behind Roy Halladay. Carlos Delgado may deserve the MVP on that statement alone.] John (Branford, CT): Joe three ?'s about the Yanks for you, first how will Benitez handle the setup role for MO, Will Soriano reach 40/40 this year and lastly will Clemens get any votes for AL Cy Young
Soriano is projected to be a 40-40-40 man, exactly 40 HRs, 42 stolen bases, and 43 walks. However, his numbers did drop off considerably in 2002 so it's by no means a lock. Last year, the top four starters in each league received Cy Young votes. Clemens is fourteenth in the AL in wins, fifteenth in ERA, and first in strikeouts. He may be third in line on his own team. If he continues this way for the year, the only votes he will get will be sympathy ones.] Steve, Watford, UK: Joe - A few months ago I asked you about the lack of African-American pitchers then on cue Dontrelle Willis and Jerome Williams emerged (we only get Sunday & Wednesday baseball so I've only seen Williams). Do you see these guys having long careers as they are pretty young for ML pitchers and if so could they possibly become role models?
That said, Both have great minor league numbers. Actually I like Williams' a little better. But you never know what will happen with young pitchers even without a major injury. From Steve Stone to Esteben Loaiza, you can't predict a pitcher's performance. Let's allow them to pitch to a few teams a couple of times and they'll we'll know if the hitters adjust to them. Willis did get rocked his second time in two weeks against the Cubbies.] Matt (Cheshire, CT): Hello Mr. Morgan. As a Dodger fan, I am happy that the team aquired Jeromy Burnitz, and somewhat happy that they went after Henderson. However, I am afraid that those additions will not be nearly enough to push the Dodgers into the playoffs. Do you agree that the only way for the Dodgers to catch the Giants and Diamondbacks is if Shawn Green starts hitting like Shawn Green?
Besides Green is having a down year, but he has not been awful and has always been a streaky hitter. The Dodgers' problem is that they don't have the talent. Dave Roberts, Adrian Beltre, Alex Cora, and especially Cesar Izturis don't hit nearly enough to merit being major-league starters and they have not hit well in recent memory (Beltre was pretty good in 2000 and Cora did well in limited service last year). Cora and Izturis are third and fourth last in the majors in OPS among batters who qualify for the batting title. Ouch!] Matt (Woodside, DE): Joe..What do you think of Marlon Byrd?
What do I think? First, he's a good role model. Second, he's performed much better of late especially as the leadoff man. In the minors he has a good understanding of the strike zone, decent power, and decent speed. He hasn't walked much this year but still has a .370 OBP. He has only three dingers and a slugging average slightly over .400 this year. So you could say that he has room for improvement. He should be a pretty good center fielder. We'll have to see.] Chris (Raleigh): What pitchers do you think will really start to catch fire in the second half?
OK, if course you have Schilling and Johnson. I like Rich Harden in Oakland. Pitchers are impossible to predict, so let's see who is having a big July and has been overlooked of late. San Diego's Adam Eaton is 3-0 with a 0.90 ERA in July. Jose Lima and Darrell May both won four with sub 2.00 ERAs for the Royals. Others: Kevin Jarvis in San Diego, Pirate Jeff Suppan, Expo Livan Hernandez, O's Sidney Ponson, the Giants Jim Brower, Buehrle, Pineiero, Myers, Jerome Williams, Simontacchi, and Brandon Webb. For relievers, Rod Beck in San Diego, Jason Isringhausen in St. Louis, and Kim in Boston have been strong of late.] Doug ( Detroit): Do u think the Tigers have the beginning of a good young staff?
jared (st. louis): Hey Joe, I recently heard Tim McCarver on FOX say he thought Scott Rolen was the best defensive 3rd baseman he had ever seen. Who would you say deserves that recognition? Schmidt?
Bill James in Win Shares gives Rolen a B+ defensive rating as a third baseman. This only covers up until 2000, and looking at Rolen's range factor since, I looks like he may have gotten even better. In 2002 he had a 3.10 range factor, his highest total yet far. He was also involved in 41 double plays, again a career high. Two of his four Gold Gloves came after 2000. So let's assume he has improved to, say, A-. James lists the following third basemen with an A+ rating by era: Early 3B: Jimmy Collins, Lave Cross, Art Devlin, Tommy Leach, and Lee Tannehill In post-war period, there are just two other men who register an A rating, Schmidt and Tim Wallach. Robinson scores an A- (one of 10, the others: Buddy Bell, Scott Brosius, Billy Cox, Darrell Evans, Gary Gaetti, Wayne Garrett, Graig Nettles, Terry Pendleton, and Robin Ventura-not a bad group) I saw both Schmidt and Rolen play and even though it's hard to compare players who were ten years apart, I still think Schmidt was better. I also thought Schmidt was better than Brooks Robinson, though Robinson gets all the press. I never saw Clete Boyer play though and am willing to accept that he was better than Schmidt (he had a 3.26 range factor, Schmidt 3.00, Rolen 2.83, and Robinson 3.10-of course those are different eras).] Andrew (NYC): WIth Randy Johnson coming back and Curt Shilling back and pitching like he did last night, can they overtake the Giants for the N.L west lead?
With Schilling and Johnson heading a staff that includes Brandon Webb (2.45 ERA) and Miguel Batista (2.77) and Jose Valverde heading a good bullpen, the D-Backs look like a solid pick to capsize the Giants in the second half. However, when you look at the way that they have overachieved on offense, it makes you wonder. Veterans (Moeller, Counsell, Baerga, Hillenbrand-1.048 OPS since joining the D-Backs-, etc.) and youngsters (Alex Cintron, Matt Kata, and Robby Hammock) alike have exceeded expectations. Throw in the fact that the D-Backs have overhauled three fourths of their infield this year (all but Junior Spivey at second), and an offensive comeuppance may be due. Then again the Giants are playing five games better than expected and the D-Backs, one game worse. So instead of being seven games back, one would expect from their run differentials that Arizona would only be one game back. This is a lot closer than people realize.] John ,Toledo,Oh: Hi Joe,if Rose gets in the HOF,should Shoeless Joe get in also?
Rule 21 (a) MISCONDUCT IN PLAYING BASEBALL. Any player or person connected with a club who shall promise or agree to lose, or to attempt to lose, or to fail to give his best efforts towards the winning of any baseball game with which he is or may be in any way concerned; or who shall intentionally fail to give his best efforts towards the winning of any such baseball game, or who shall solicit or attempt to induce any player or person connected with a club to lose, or attempt to lose, or to fail to give his best efforts towards the winning of any baseball game with which such other player or person is or may be in any way connected; or who, being solicited by any person, shall fail to inform his Major League President and the Commissioner. It's odd that everyone uses Rule 21 (d) for all of the banned players but it does not apply to either man here: Rule 21 (d) BETTING ON BALL GAMES. Any player, umpire, or club official or employee, who shall bet any sum whatsoever upon any baseball game in connection with which the bettor has no duty to perform shall be declared ineligible for one year.] Brad (Seattle): What does Seattle need to put themselves over the top in the A.L.?
However, the M's could only improve if they could divest themselves of Jeff Cirillo, his salary, and his .570 OPS. Transitioning time from Dan Wilson to Ben Davis should help as well.] matt (d.c.): Hi Joe! I dont know if you get to see the Cardinals all that much or not, but we really need a starting pitcher! Do you know of anyone out there that would be a good fit? Thanks!
Nolan Bas, New Jersey: Do you really think the Cubs are a contender in the National League Central? What are their chances of trading for Lofton and Ramirez from Pittsburgh?
They just lost Prior and have Patterson out. Jose Hernandez has been a bust so far at third. The same goes for the catcher Miller and Tom Goodwin, filling in in center. Also Choi has been atrocious since his unfortunate injury. Lofton would probably be a decent fill-in for Patterson and Ramirez is probably a better long-term solution at third if that's what they are looking for. But this team is springing more holes than the Titanic. If Prior is out for an extended period, I doubt Wood and Zmbrano can carry the staff alone.] Gerard (North Brunswick): Joe, Does ANYONE outside of Queens and Boston think the Benitez deal was a good one? Just wait until the first time Torre brings in Mariano with no out in the 8th because Benitez walked the bases loaded. I take Jason Anderson pitching LEFT-handed over Clubhouse Poison.
Oh, and Jason Anderson had a 4.79 ERA when the Yankees traded him. Benitez has a 3.04 ERA for his career and hasn't had an ERA as high as Anderson's since his rookie year. As a Mets fan, you certainly would take Anderson over Benitez. That's why your Mets are where they are. Anderson was shuttled through th Yankees organization that it's hard to tell how good he is. He started the year in 2002 at Single-A and his 4.07 ERA was ignored because of his high strikeout total, so onward and upward. Then again, if you owned the Mets, why not take a shot at Anderson who has the velocity and had good strikeout-to-walks and strikeouts-per-nine-innings ratios in the minors. According to their old co-owner, the Mets are no better than a Double-A team anyway. However, if the Mets were in a pennant race, there's no way they would consider the deal.]
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Get On the Mic, Mike
2003-07-20 13:09
This morning the Phillies acquired struggling closer Mike Williams for a mid-level prospect plus cash. Williams will be the setup man for Jose Mesa. He should be able to improve on his 6.27 ERA. Though in his first go-round with the Phils, he had an ERA above 5.00 in four of five years. I was kind of surprised that the Phils, whose offense has been so suspect all year, decided to improve their relieving given that their bullpen has a 2.99 ERA. It may be for Jose Mesa insurance as the mercurial Mesa has a 4.67 ERA and three blown saves. I trust that Joe Kerrigan knows what he is doing with that staff, and that he had some doing in acquiring Williams.
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A Rosy Nose?
2003-07-18 10:04
The rose looks fair, but fairer we it deem I have not watched the entire Rose mock trial as yet. What I did see reminded me more of the People's Court than Law & Order. The jury voted 8-4 that Rose should be eligible for the Hall of Fame. They then responded 11-1 to a poll by prosecuting attorney Alan Dershowitz that they believed Rose bet on baseball. Unfortunately, he did not poll them as to whether they felt Rose bet on any Reds games in which he managed (though I suppose that was the implication). That is the offense that carries the lifetime ban. Betting on baseball itself carries a one-year ban (ask The Lip), which Rose has more than served. Rule 21 section d: So why is betting on baseball even an issue? Did he bet on the Reds? That's the only question that matters. Having reviewed the Dowd report and the rules involved, I can't agree with the jury's thought process even though I agree with their "verdict". If they believed there was evidence that Rose gambled on the game and on the Reds specifically, then how can they pronounce him innocent. Well, the old cliches that he had suffered enough-as if not being in the Hall is a torture-, that other sordid characters have their plaques at Cooperstown, etc. were tramped out by the jurors as each explained his or her stance. Many added that they think he should be Hall but should not be allowed to act as manager again, which is akin to saying if found guilty in the impeachment proceedings, Bill Clinton should have remained president but been restricted from serving as dog catcher in every American municipality. Only one juror mentioned the evidence. I'm going to take a look at the "trial" this weekend and comments should ensue.
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Wiley's Sotto Voce, Super Genius...Not!
2003-07-17 16:30
We're about to discuss "race", Ralph Wiley, and writing. So bring a snack of some sort. And a beverage in case you get thirsty. Also, please remember to bus your table and to floss afterwards. First, for such a well-known sports journalist, Wiley makes Peter Gammons seem concise and cogent. This article is so scattershot that it's difficult to determine who or what is at the root of the problem. Is it Bill James for dissing the African-American stat, stolen bases? Is it Alvin Dark who evidently, like Nigel Tufnel, would have chosen haberdashery for an alternate career path? Is it the media for hounding Barry Bonds because of his race? Is it the All-Star voters for ignoring African-Americans? Is it Webster's for not defining "African-American" so as to exclude Latins of African decent from the rubric? Is it the Chicago sports writers for goading Dusty Baker into saying ill-informed racial statements? Is it the Little League coaches? Is it the unnamed writer from 25 years ago who hazarded to point out that African-Americans were a shrinking population in Major League Baseball, even though that is the thrust of Wiley's article? Is it his editor, who apparently does not even scan his laborious screed? Is it ESPN for paying him to document his mental felo-de-se? Or maybe as Wiley indicates, "this dogged resentment comes from blacks the notion that doing well in school is 'acting white.'" The only problem is that Wiley seems to name most of the culprits in the list above and like Oliver Stone's JFK makes them all part of some sort of worldwide conspiracy. One thing is for sure in Wiley's tendentious universe, though "he is no anthropologist" and he may need "to think a little more before he speaks", it's not Dusty Baker's fault: [B]ecause Italians often comment and joke about Italian stereotypes or predilections or history -- likewise the Irish, or whomever [sic]-- but when you say blacks and minority people can take the heat better, because that's what black people were specifically brought over here for, it allows bigots room. First, how racist is it to characterize Italians as people who "joke about Italian stereotypes"? Didn't Wiley hear how upset some Italian-Americans were with the stereotypes on The Sopranos? There's a nice shot at Chicago and its writers for goading Baker into the ill-advised remarks. However, here is what Baker said from the ESPN article: "It's easier for most Latin guys and it's easier for most minority people because most of us come from heat. You don't find too many brothers in New Hampshire and Maine and the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. Right?" he said with a chuckle. Here is a man at home with the writers, joking and expounding. Where's the "Back up off me, now"-ness? Baker seems far from threatened. The only person who seems threatened is Wiley and he projects that onto Baker. That's just my gut feeling. Lastly, how does playing with Hank Aaron make one an expert in African-American baseball history? There had been over a hundred years of such history that preceded Aaron's historic run at the HR record. Then again, Wiley seems a novice when it comes to African-American baseball history: Rube Foster's Chicago American Giants of the original Negro National League [was] formed because blacks were said to be unfit for duty in the bigs. Couldn't handle pressure. Foster happens to be a hero of mine and I have read most that has been written about or by-he had a semi-regular gig with the Chicago Defender-him. Not only was his league NOT "formed because blacks were said to be unfit for duty in the bigs", Foster wanted to develop a league that would excel on its own and potentially subsume the majors. His letterhead read, "We are the ship, all else the sea", and he meant it. I'm sure that he preferred his disciplined and well-coached brand of baseball to the majors at the time. Besides, when African-Americans were originally barred from organized baseball it had nothing to do with their abilities or inability to "handle pressure". It was because some white players couldn't countenance playing alongside or against them. This evolved viewpoint predates professional baseball as the African-American Pythian club from Philadelphia was denied entrance into the amateur grandfather to the National League, the National Association of Base Ball Players, in 1867. Since some felt strongly on both sides of the issue, it was speciously resolved that barring the club was the only fair solution so that no one would be offended. Nineteenth-century African-American stars George Stovey, Fleet Walker, Frank Grant, and Bud Fowler were not viewed as inferior ballplayers. Stovey still holds the International League record with 34 wins. And the antics of Cap Anson employed in removing African-American players from games with his Chicago club demonstrate that he didn't want a valuable weapon such as Stovey available on the opposing club. These men excelled in their various leagues as baseball worked to restrict African-Americans from the organized game. The fact that they excelled appears to have precipitated their exile. Not only does Wiley lack a basic understanding of the issues of race in baseball from an historical viewpoint. He has difficulty grabbling with the current issues. He prattles on about All-Star rosters without realizing that they are such a small sample that it's difficult to say that their racial makeup has any meaning. He mentions that there are a number of international players in baseball, but still maintains that there is an underlying problem: The beauty of the game of baseball is this egalitarian inevitability, with everything else being equal. Well, I agree with the last statement, but I don't agree with how he got there. Aside from the appallingly poor writing style ("Another beauty of baseball...", "Which, of course, everything else never is", etc.), Wiley takes the egalitarianism of baseball and somehow twists it into another form of established "ways and mores" which evince racism. Is the NBA racist for employing Dikembe Mutumbo and other international players? Why does he single out baseball for similarly going more international? My main problem with race in baseball is with the lack of managerial and general manager positions filled by African-Americans and Latins, when clearly there are qualified candidates who go under-employed (Willie Randolph and Chris Chambliss come to mind). Also, the majors hiring strategy only serves to pay lip service to any notion of equal opportunity in these positions. Of course, Wiley sees this differently: Unfortunately, the people who run baseball on all levels below the big-league level are not the most egalitarian sort (although it must be said that I think Bud Selig is) and big-league baseball has come a long way in terms of the field manager position, and a good way in the front-office positions of the structure of MLB itself, and some piece of a short way -- OK, right into a solid brick wall on all sides and a steel ceiling above -- in the front-office positions of the individual teams. It seems that Wiley's main beef in this whole piece is that his son Cole, "an 'American-born black'" was dissuaded from playing high-school ball because "after playing for four years, and contributing in the state semifinal title game of his senior year, he got sat down for a junior whose dad had made more concrete fiscal contributions to the team than my lowly 250 bucks." Well, if that was the reason, how many games did he lose? Maybe one, the state final title game. And Wiley devotes about two printed pages to the injustice apparent in the high school ranks. Witness this passage as dense as a snippet from Finnegan's Wake: [B]ut before it was over, I wanted him to have the experience of playing ball in Oakland, so that he could just play, and not worry about all these other ramifications of who wanted him to play well, who was threatened by him playing well, being the only black kid on the bus going to play, being judged by the standard of Willie Mays, etc. Sheez, talk about an overbearing father, transplanting his kid from one coast to the other to fulfill his, the father's, dream to play ball in a more racially stimulating environment. That must have cost more than "250 bucks". Before Wiley is through he trounces the self-purportedly egalitarian sabermetricians, whom he identifies as "sabermatricians, and their Grand Wizard, Bill James. Apparently, James and his coterie are using statistics in a biased and racist manner: It is usually the American-born blacks' records and place that are resented instead of celebrated. For example, it's the stolen base that is denigrated as a weapon by baseball sabermaticians [sic] like Bill James, at precisely the time when a Rickey Henderson steals 130 bases in a season. There are sour grapes when a baseball man uses stats to tell you a stolen base isn't important. Any time a baseball manager will give up an out for a base, as with a sac bunt or groundball to the right side, any time a base is so precious, then it goes without saying that the stolen base must be important. Not the CS, the caught stealing, or stats of success rates, but the stolen base itself. So Bonds is "acting white" and that's why the media doesn't like him...huh? My friend Murray started a little email trail on this confounding passage. Chris DeRosa had the article to which Wiley alluded, from his old magazine SI: Yes, I have the Sept. 6, 1982 article from SI. It is entitled "So What's All the Fuss?" Chris also points out that "James ranks Henderson the #4 left fielder of all time, and the #26 player of all time, right between Turkey Steanes and Pop Lloyd" (two old Negro Leaguers, by the way). So James is not being biased against African-Americans in general or Henderson specifically. He is simply biased against stolen bases from a pure perspective of economy of outs. Wiley's invocation of the sac bunt a manager-preferred style to rehabilitate and legitimize the stolen base statistic only evokes peals of laughter from the sabermetric crowd. By the way, Peter Dizikes also alertly points out that Wiley "does not even reference the recent lengthy Sports Illustrated piece on the decline in the numbers of African-American players, which is the main reason he can say, "the question is now being asked anew: 'Why have American-born blacks disengaged from baseball?'" Ralph Wiley's typical day: read his old magazine, get idea for piece, fail to reference it in dot-com column." So what are we left with? I can only advise Wiley that his problems-at least his perceived problems-are not in the stars but in his own self. Aside from denigrating those Chico Marx-inspired, jovially self-mocking Italians, he maligns the apparently white kid who spelled his son for the state title game: "we lost because the extra-base hit from what was his spot, to deliver the runner from first base with two ours in the last inning, did not come" (don't ask me to explain his grammar/sentence structure/full intended meaning though). He feels that the entire system is endemically racist: [I]f you wait for the structure of the game itself below the big-league level to welcome you, good luck. It probably won't happen. This may be out of self-interest -- white guys who become coaches because they have sons who are playing also have benefactors contributing dollars to their leagues who have sons, and those sons have friends, mostly who are like them, so their spots in the game are respected and protected. Which may drive out the black kid who shows up solo with a glove and a paper bag lunch and gets sneered at. Wow, he paints a sort of racist Rockwellian picture of America. I'm not saying that racism doesn't exist at this level but how does having a son in high school ball make him an expert on the entire system? College ball is even more racist in Wiley's estimation: [I]f you look at college baseball, you see few schools recruit blacks, and it may be just as well, since as Richard Lapchick's latest study shows, college baseball graduation rates are almost nonexistent, not only worse than football or basketball grad rates, but worse by far. College baseball is just another form of minor-league baseball, developing possible talent for the major leagues, and very few young black players are recruited into it. So not only does he see college ball as racist, perhaps because it is predominately white (I do not have any data on this, one way or the other, just his evidence). He feels compelled to point out that those ballplayers have a lower graduation rate than football and basketball programs, which, as it so happens, are predominately peopled with African-American players. It attempts to chalk it up to college ball being a "form of minor-league baseball", but that is far truer in the other sports, which do not have a strong minor-league system. Isn't this a thinly veiled attack on the intellect of these allegedly predominately white baseball programs? Look, there are real problems of race in baseball. Rube Foster's efforts helped to establish that a sport owned and managed predominately by African-Americans can be a successful undertaking. Major League baseball, though it extremely belatedly embraced African-American players, has yet to embrace the race completely in the managerial and ownership ranks. Also, to this day Foster is the only owner, executive, or manager of a Negro League team to have been elected to the Hall of Fame and his playing career more than warranted enshrinement. (I have a soft spot for his American Giant successor "Gentleman" Dave Malarcher for one.) There are plenty of axes to grind in the sport as far as race is concerned. There's no reason to invent ones based on old journalistic grudges and personal slights (or personal slights to one's son). It's alarming that Wiley would rather grind his personal axes than to contribute to a worthwhile dialog on the issue when he so fervently cares about the issue.
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Minnie Methuselah
2003-07-17 12:15
Eighty-year-old Minnie Minoso was activated by the independent St. Paul Saints in order to become the first player to play in seven different decades. He DH'ed and walked as part of St. Paul's annual Negro League tribute. It should also be pointed out that Minoso did not appear in a major-league game until almost 27 and is one of the best ballplayers ever, no matter how you look at it, after the age 30 (James has extensive research on this). On June 30, 1993, he DH'ed for St. Paul and grounded out to become the first six-decade player. Two years earlier commissioner Fay Vincent had barred Minoso from playing in a Single-A Florida State League game to set the mark. The then-independent Miami Miracle had wanted to sign him for a game on April 13. I have to think that Minoso is a borderline Hall-of-Fame candidate but his great career has been eclipsed with this avuncular image. It can't help buttress his legitimacy for the Hall. Also, the article says that he is 77, but his official birth date is November 29, 1922. However, the assumption may be that Latin players' ages are shaved by three years automatically. Besides, the man whose "record" he broke, Nick Altrock, who played five decades, did so more as an on-field mascot than as a legitimate player. Altrock had been an ace pitcher for three years (1904-06-62 wins) but blew out his arm and became a coach. He would appear in games from time to time: he pitched a couple of innings in 1924, he played right field for the last game of the season in 1929 (along with old-timers Jimmie Austin and Johnny Evers), and he pinch-hit at the end of 1933. He had a clown-coach act with "The Clown Prince of Baseball" Al Schacht until Schact left the Senators. By the way, Minoso will be 87 in 2010. Will there be any team willing to allow him one AB to extend his record? Will anyone care? Read the book!
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Mock On
2003-07-17 00:46
ESPN is conducting a mock trial of Pete Rose tomorrow night. I conducted my own defense of Rose last fall using the Dowd report as the case for the state. Of course, it had a rather farcical bend, well maybe not as farcical as having Alan Dershowitz and Johnnie Cochrane as the attorneys. No, check that, I did have Cochrane asone of the attorneys. Oh well. I did, however, review and refute every piece of hard evidence in the case. I didn't fave Bill James as one of the witnesses though.
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Son of Joe
2003-07-16 16:11
Thanks to Tangotiger over at Baseball Primer for linking to my last Joe Morgan Chat Day review. I got just under a thousand hits thanks mostly to the link. That's in my top three. Anyway, Primer has a discussion trail with some interesting comments (and some that make Joe seem erudite): (#1) - Joe Morgan [Mike: Good one!] (#18) - Fuel on the Fire "There are some players (Ichiro for one) who make it on reputation." BS. Ichiro is first in the league in hits, first in the league in batting average, tied for first in SBs, 6th in runs scored, and still pays the field well. Oh, but he is not an OPS all-star, and all the fans only look at OPS before voting. Oh and could somebody explain this: However, their pitches per game started have been cut almost in half (196 to 104) Was that intended to be sarcasm, or have the A's pitchers turned into deadball pitching specialists? (#24) - Mike I meant Ichiro was voted to start based on his reputation. He is having a fine season. However, Ichiro is 59th in the majors in OPS , but then again he is among the top three outfielders in Win Shares, probably due to his defense . So maybe I'm beating a dead horse here. I would have voted for Byrnes, Anderson, Wells, Bradley, or Mora before him. But then again I voted for Mondale. (#25) - Mike (e-mail) (homepage) By the way, the pitches-per-game is an ESPN stat. I believe that it projected the pitches-per-innings-pitched to nine innings. That's why they were so high. The numbers quoted are their numbers for the first half [of] last year averaged.
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What Next, No OJ Blvd?
2003-07-16 15:21
What Next, No OJ Blvd?Jose Canseco Street may be renamed soon due to Canseco's various peccadilloes. Actually, they are attempting to bar any street being eponymous with any convicted felons. In a related story, 72% of the streets in Miami will be renamed soon. No word yet, on Ozzie Canseco Overpass' status. [Thanks to my friend Mike for the link.]
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2003-07-16 14:16
Lee Sinins reports: The BlueJays traded LF Shannon Stewart and a player to be named later to the Twins for OF Bobby Kielty. My first question is why? They are not that dissimilar: bith have OPSs in the .790s. Stewart once was a speedy baserunner but has only one stolen base this year. He is only 29 but has been declining steadily since 2000. Kielty is three years younger and showed a lot of promise last year though he hasn;t fulfilled it this year. He also makes a fraction of what Stewart makes ($325K to $6.2 M) and Stewart is only signed for one year. I see this as a win-win for the Blue Jays. It looks like an act of desparation on the Twins' part.
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"Bigger Than Jesus Christ"?
2003-07-16 13:05
Barry Bonds is said to be taking aim at Babe Ruth: "Willie's number is always the one that I've strived for," Bonds said before Tuesday's All-Star Game. Wow, I wonder what Ruth did to so tick off Barry. Maybe it was debt that went unpaid. Or maybe that time he held Barry out of a moving train. Bonds really keeps a grudge.
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Playing First Base Bugs Bunny. Second Base Bugs Bunny....
2003-07-16 12:24
An actual email I received. Isn't this the kind of thing that almost got Satchel Paige killed once?: Dear sir/madam,
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All-Star Game Notes That Count Randomly
2003-07-16 01:31
- "The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen"? That's how they really are opening the show? What a venal, pointless, and ordinary promotion - It's good to see Gary Carter and Luis Aparicio in uniform. It's interesting to see Carter in an Expos uni. Did he pick it? - Posada let his kid run out as him when they were announcing the lineups. Cute, but now everyone will be lugging their kids onto the field before, during, and after the game. - Nice tribute to Larry Doby, But what's the deal with the reverb? "Now batting for Pedro Borbon, Manny Mota...Mota...Mota." - Vanessa Carlton lip-synched (lipsank?) the National Anthem-pathetic? Besides she is trying desperately to look like a Fast Times-era Phoebe Cates. - First inning: It looks like A-Rod is wearing a mike at short. - Baker calls Renteria, "The smartest player in the NL." High praise indeed. - There's no first base coach for the NL until the second batter. But remember, it counts! - Bonds jut misses one. Had to shorten up his swing on an apparent ball, inside and high. Odd for him. - Second: Nice play by Delgado going into the stands to get a Sheffield pop-up. - Martinez is hit in the head and we have to view the play with the stupid catcher cam, a remnant of NBC-era Letterman's Late Night show. He's OK, but his helmet is cracked. - Third: I still don't buy Clemens is retiring (he's interviewed by Kevin Kennedy). MJ retired too and it didn't take. If you were his wife, would you want Rocket hanging around the house? - Delgado RBI on a curve ball that flattened out after a he missed a big loopy one. - Fourth: Official sponsors are Bad Boys and SWAT. Enough with the movie promos! - Ichiro: Nice catch, nice jump, nice run, nice leap. Very nice. - Wood throws an unhittable rising fastball past Glaus for the second strike. - Fifth: Helton hits what looks like a high, hanging change out. - Hasegawa: half his runs were scored directly by the long ball this year (2 HR and 4 runs allowed). - Andruw Jones hits what's ruled a ground rule double on fan interference. Furcal, runner at first, awarded home even though not yet at third when ball is interfered with. Joe Buck disagrees with the call, but isn't it just a judgment call by the umps? I hope those bums get thrown out of the game. It's reassuring to see the managers argue the call-it does "count". [By the way, Buck was wrong. Here are the rules/definitions regarding fan interference. As for me, I think that it would have taken a very good throw/relay to get Furcal at home. It's something that Anderson is more than capable of delivering, but I would have to agree with the ump's judgment-if it takes a very good throw to get the runner especially when it's the "away" team's runner, I would give him home on a fan interference call. Maybe if Anderson hadn't dogged it to get to the ball, the ump would have given him the benefit of the doubt: INTERFERENCE] - The interference call is academic after Pujols' hit. - Sixth: Furcal almost hits teammate Marcus Giles with errant throw. Should have eaten it. - McCarver and Buck are assessing Anderson's "cool" factor. He's Mojo Jojo in their book. - Seventh: Jones hits a little poke homer on outside curve. Actually, on the replay it is low and over the middle of the plate. McCarver was fooled, too. - Stretch: Amy Grant still is cute after all these years but has man hands and was drowned out by what sounded like my daughter's toy keyboard on "synth" mode. Also, does a good Nigel Tufnel imitation with her finger in her ear to harmonize apparently with herself. - Giambi clocks a high fastball off of Wagner. - Buck says that Wagner has the highest strikeout-per-innings-pitched ratio all time-is that true? [It is true for any player with more than a handful of innings. Here are the men ahead of Wagner (through 2002):
- Eighth: So much for Wagner-to-Gagne-to-Smoltz being "lights out" after the sixth. - Blalock hits a flat change, which McCarver called. Monster shot. - Ninth: Game ends with Furcal drive to the wall, which is caught (appropriately) by Magglio Ordonez. - Great end. Good game. Then again I liked last year's. - Anderson gets the MVP. The Tedy Ballgame award finally goes to someone. It should have gone to Blalock though. It must be all those online voters voting in the third inning. - In the post-game interview, Scioscia calls Smoltz, "Schmolz". Was that a veiled "chicken" reference?
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2003-07-16 01:01
The Japanese All-Stars played to a tie today. I guess they haven't learned how to "make the game count" yet.
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Smell-A-Vision Replaces Television And Other Announcements
2003-07-16 01:00
Rich Lederer continues his series on the Quad. I'm not talking about Butcher-Speakman; I mean leaders in on-base, slugging, times on base, and total bases. The Illuminated Donkey has a look at the importance of home-field in the Series.
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They Say It's Your Birth-Joe-Morgan-Chat-Day! Happy Birth-Joe-Morgan-Chat-Day To You!
2003-07-14 01:03
The return of my birthday, if I remember it, fills me with thoughts which it seems to be the general care of humanity to escape. We here at Mike's Baseball Rants just celebrated our one-year "birthday" on Friday, coincidentally the day of Joe Morgan's last chat session. Well, maybe not so coincidentally. Joe Morgan's baseball career has been like a birthday: When you are younger, there is so much to look forward to. Life is so full of promise. You start to fulfill that promise-Joe was the greatest second baseman of the last half-century after all-and then around your mid-30s, you anticipate those birthdays less and less, but they seem to come quicker and quicker. Joe was an every-day player for two decades, but he now seems to be ubiquitous with a telecast or two a week and an odd (very odd) article or chat each week. By forty (I hear), you dread your next birthday, your youth-and baseball career-are done, and you become an embittered, calcified, persnickety person who not only knows things were better when he was young; he must tell the world that it's so. In other words...
The GoodMark (Kansas City): Is Dusty right? Do black players play better in the hot summer months than white players?
Dusty Baker thinks he is one when he does not know enough to keep his three-year-old son away from home plate when he is about to get pummeled. By the way Scott Gray points out: That's a superb typo (missing word, whatever)! My new favorite insult: You are a baseball! My bad. That should have been "baseball analyst".] Gerard (NYC): Joe, Don't you think Randall Simon has suffered enough? I mean, he plays for the Pirates. If I were him, I would have switched the uniform for the costume and run off.
The BadGeoff (Copper Canyon, TX): Why has Randall Simon tapping a sausage gotten more attention than a fan throwing an M-80 out of the upper deck in Oakland?
Tommy (NY): Hey Joe, Do you think Pujols has a realistic shot at .400 or the Triple Crown?
As for the Triple Crown, will Barry Bonds quit in the middle of the season? If he keeps playing, it will be tough for Pujols. It's so difficult, that's why you only see it every 50 years or so.
Stephen Jay Gould discusses the death of the .400 hitter in Full House: The Spread of Excellence from Plato to Darwin. As the average talent within the baseball world improves, the extremes (e.g., .400 hitters, triple crowns) start to disappear. This seems the best theory. However, back to Pujols. He is batting .368 and his batting average has improved an average of 26 points in the second half throughout his career. That would put him, in theory, at .394 for the second half and around .381 for the year. To hit .400, he would have to hit around .432 for the second half. That seems highly improbable, left-hander or right-hander. As far as the Triple Crown, not only will Barry Bonds refuse to "quit in the middle of the season", Pujols trails Bonds, Edmonds, and Lowell in home runs and Preston Wilson in RBI (by 5). He leads Todd Helton by almost 20 in batting, but Helton does have the Coors home-field advantage. As far as 56-game hitting streaks, I have no idea where Joe got that issue. It was not in the original question, and for a man who never answers the questions posed to him, it's odd that Joe feels compelled to add to his burden. Well, I guess it's so that he can plant acorns like "Everyone wants to hit HRs now" in his chats.] eddie, atlanta: How can Dusty Baker get away with such racial comments without getting much media scrutiny, while if a white person or any other race would not be allowed to get away with making such statements in this "politically correct" society.
Koby (Boca, FL.): Mr. Morgan, who do you think the NL MVP is for the first half of the season?
Scott (KC): What do you see as the most likely scenario for the Royals and Beltran as the trade deadline approaches?
If the Royals trade Beltran before the trade deadline, the Royals fans should desert them en masse. Even if the Royals fade, they should still be in the race by the waiver deadline. So unless the Royals are moving to a new home or wish to emulate the mid-Nineties Expos, they have to keep Beltran. And Bud Selig should not allow them to trade Beltran or any other key member of that team a la Bowie Kuhn barring the A's from gutting their team in 1976.] tim(chicago, il): i take my hat off to pedro for pitching both jeter and soriano inside the other day. Soriano's left elbow is over the plate!!!!!!no one talks about this. why dont mroe pitchers throw inside against him?
Baseball is trying to re-establish the rulebook strike zone. It must now establish the rulebook batter's box. They go hand in hand. With batters still standing on home and a new strike zone being called, it's no wonder that there have been so many brawls after a hit batsman this year. As far as why other pitchers don't throw inside to Soriano, it's probably a) the now-ingrained "pitch outside not inside" approach, b) pitchers are human and don't want to plunk anyone when they can avoid it, and c) if you hit him, it's as good as a single or maybe even a double if he steals second. By the way, how effective was Pedro-Soriano swung at the ball that hit him. It sounds that it was more a matter of Soriano swinging at anything he can or cannot reach. And throwing pitches where Soriano can't hurt you but where he can't lay off is not a new notion. The man is a tremendous bad ball hitter. I guess no one can do much with a ball that hits you on the hands, however.] Joe (Pittsburgh): What are your thoughts on the Pirates' chances of making a run in the NL Central? They seem to be heating up, and have managed to stay within striking distance in the standings. They have also played some descent ball against the 'Stros and Cardianals. Thanks Joe!
Brice (Ducktown, TN): What can the Expos do to stay in the wild card race?
I'm sick and tired of Joe bemoaning the Expos' loss of Gonzalez. He was the exception, not the rule. Last year, they got Cliff Floyd and Bartolo Colon mid-year. Besides for the past year teams have been eating most if not all of the contract of players they are trading just to rid themselves of the players' presence. So I'm not sure payroll will be that large an issue. Their problem is not the loss of Guerrero so much as the presence of Endy Chavez. Calloway and Macias are playing acceptably for fill-ins, but with Chavez' offense (plus that of Fernando Tatis for much of the year) the Expos have too many holes.] Greg, NYC: Where is Pujols long term position? If he were in the AL would he just be a DH?
e chicago,il: where have the fundementials gone?
By the way, the notion that players are younger and more inexperienced today is pure hogwash. There have been numerous studies on this topic. Here's a quicky table with the average debut age per decade:
Players debut later today than any decade since the Forties and that may be skewed due to the war-time player shortages. By the way, the Sixties, when Joe debuted, was the quickest to promote since the 1880s. He could argue that training is worse than decades ago, but I would think he wouldn't be able to back it up. Why do the "fundementials" appear worse today? Maybe because every gaffe is viewed ad nauseum on SportsCenter, not to mention jumbo-tron at the game in between innings.] Abhay (Ephrata, PA): Hey Joe, I noticed that teams are pitching more and more to Barry rather than walking him. What's your take on this? Thanks
The problem is that Barry Bonds has been predominantly batting fourth with Rich Aurilia (.276 OBP as #3 hitter) or Marquis Grissom (.312) in front of him. Pitchers don't have to be as careful with Bonds when there is no one on base in front of him. They walked him a lot in the same situation last year, but not in 2003. It's not that they HAVE to pitch to him: it's that they don't have to pitch around him. By the way, even with the fewer walks, Bonds on pace for 146 on the year. That would tie him with Mantle for the 17th most in a season all-time. So it's not like he's Alfonso Soriano all of a sudden.] Andrew (NYC): Have you heard anymore about Piazza moving to first base and what do you think about this move if it does happen?
John (Philly): Why don't you ever appear on Baseball Tonight?
Martin (Dunsmuir, CA): Hi Joe. Thanks for taking my question. I don't know how much of Barry Zito you've seen this year, but he seems to get burned a lot on two-strike pitches. He got outs last year, batters get hits this year in those situations. Is he too predictable, or does this just show how fine a line it is between being a good pitcher and a great pitcher?
The Ugly
Will (Arizona): "Apparently, long and meritorious service is overlooked" Joe- We have the Hall of Fame to honor that, the All-Star game is about this season, thus far. Not the World Series teams from the previous season or the record holders or players in the last year. Nostalgia is nice, but let the guys who might have their only good year play in front of the best.
Really balance is the best solution. You don't want to see a superannuated Cal Ripken undeservedly starting at the All-Star game, but established Hall-of-Famers who are having years in line with their careers should be no-brainers. Players like Clemens, Sosa, and Thomas come to mind. When there was a league president to oversee the All-Star roster, leaving such players off the roster would never have occurred. However, Bud doesn't want to get involved unless Fox demands it. Speaking of which, you probably read that Clemens was added to the roster today to replace Barry Zito since Zito pitched eight innings on Sunday. Zito was prepared to pitch and the deal was apparently brokered by the Oakland management and the commissioner. Zito found out while interviewing for the game; he claims that he met with league officials but that it was not explained to him. Apparently, it's not too popular a decision: Look, I agree that I would rather see Roger Clemens than Lance Carter, but to remove the reigning Cy Young winner to accede to the network's wishes, that's pretty low. I got an email from Frank Gill, who posits the following theory: I thought it was interesting that Billy Beane was involved in the decision. I figure he held out until Bud granted him some of the Expos draft picks for next season. Whether a deal was brokered or not, it's just another black mark next on baseball's already besmirched reputation. (My bet is that in George Bush I's words "There was no quid pro quo." However, Beane is smart enough to have Don Corleoned a future favor away from the commish. Besides, what is all this about 2003 being Clemens last year? Did I miss something? I know he is mulling over retirement, but did he announce it and did I just miss it. To quote David St. Hubbins (loosely), "Somebody check me on this: Am I losing my mind." With the year Clemens is having, why would he quit? Oh, back to the question, this year Glaus, Rolen, and Ichiro got there more on reputation than on their superior performance. Here's the excerpt from Joe's original article:]
With the Boston Red Sox, Roger Clemens was MVP of the 1986 All-Star Game. Sammy Sosa is a perfect example of this. Sosa has made tremendous contributions to the game of baseball. He and Mark McGwire helped save baseball, which was still reeling from the 1994 strike, with their home-run race for the ages in '98. By Sosa's standards, his numbers are down this year, but they're still good (.292-15 HR-45 RBI). Plus, he was beaned by a pitch and he spent time on the disabled list. Those missed games should factor less than his contributions to the game. Sosa's All-Star track record should count for something, too. If he gets hot in the second half, he could end up with 50 home runs.
"Long and meritorious service" is not "overlooked". It's just that the All-Star rosters are now less about stars and more about a numbers game, combinatorics with catchers and permutations with pitchers. There are some players (Ichiro for one) who make it on reputation. The Baseball Tonight gang theorized that there will be a spot created for "long and meritorious service" men. I think that's a mistake. Just get rid of the one-rep-per-team rule. If a player is deserving of a spot then take him. You'll end up with a team of stars and the fans can feel proud knowing the players taken actually deserved it. Pittsburgh is a great example: if the one-rep rule did not exist, Mike Williams would not be going, but Brian Giles probably would be. Who would the Pirates fans rather see in the game? Now then, "[i]f [Sosa] gets hot in the second half, he could end up with 50 home runs"? Sure, anything could happen and he is certainly capable, but you can't base All-Star roster decisions on would've/could've. Sosa is among the best outfielders in the league even with his sub-par (for him) season, but baseball is not going to extend itself to him like it has for Clemens because of the corked-bat incident. Sammy has to forego the All-Star game as punishment. That's that. As far as Sammy and McGwire saving baseball, I have to admit it was actually me. I saw baseball on a bridge overlooking an icy river obviously contemplating his demise. Just as he jumped in the river, I jumped in as well knowing he would save me. I finally got the simpering fool to admit that he wanted to live again (and Zuzu's petals), after showing him what the world be like with only NFL Europe and the WNBA to watch in the summer time. That's how I got my wings.] Jon (NYC): Joe, I don't see the point in not letting hitters vote for pitchers. First, I'm sure that Yankee pitchers are just as unwilling to vote for Pedro as the hitters are. Also, who knows a pitcher better than someone who faced them. While I'm sure that pitchers pay attention to other pitchers, hitters are the only one's with first hand knowledge of how filthy their stuff actually is.
No, Joe, the point is it's not a popularity contest. The players should vote for the best players regardless (or irregardless) of their personal feelings towards those individuals. If they can't, they don't deserve the vote. That goes for batter and pitchers. A batter facing a given pitcher will form an informed opinion regarding that pitcher. It's debatable as to whether that opinion is more valid than a pitcher's after watching another pitcher face live batters. Whatever, these are the best players in the world and they should be able to determine who is the best of their membership is. For you completists, here's the excerpt from Joe's original article:] Position Players Shouldn't Vote For Pitchers But I see a problem with player voting -- especially when position players vote for pitchers. Clemens is not popular with many of the batters he faces. A batter who has been plunked or brushed back by Clemens isn't likely to vote for him. Bob Gibson wasn't popular in his day, either. You can be sure hitters wouldn't have voted for him! In fact, I don't think you could ever get batters to vote for Clemens. He has been an intimidator throughout his career, and that's part of what makes him a great pitcher. Pedro Martinez is similar. After he hit Derek Jeter and Alfonso Soriano recently, do you think any Yankee would vote for him? I do think that players should have a vote, but only pitchers can vote fairly for other pitchers. Otherwise, leave the selection of pitchers in the hands of the managers. Too much animosity can build up over time in the competition between hitters and pitchers. I could tell you about lots of pitchers I didn't like (but I won't). It's only human nature that this would influence one's judgment in an All-Star voting process.
And Jon's right that if there is animosity on a team, it will permeate the pitching staff as well. Oh, by the way, Joe spelled "animosity" correctly here. Also, Pedro hit those two players after the All-Star game voting.] David (Myrtle Beach, SC): Joe, do you think baseball would be wise to eliminate the "Every team must have one representative" rule? Football and Basketball don't have it.
The problem is not that the best D-Ray is not All-Star worthy. The problem is that the manager, especially with the extra player voting, is required to fill out a roster under these constraints. That's how you get Lance Carter not Aubrey Huff and Mike Williams not Brian Giles.] Justin (York, PA): In your most recent column, you mentioned that the best way to determine home-field advantage for the World Series was the alternating advantage each year. Is this REALLY any more fair than any other method, especially best record? As we've seen in the past, home-field advantage can be truly an advantage in the Series. Is it something worth just randomizing? I think best record is the best way to determine home-field, because, even with unbalanced schedules, it's the fairest way to decide the advantage.
However, to take an exhibition game in which the likes of Williams and Carter are required participants is a much sillier system. But who really cares? Is it fair? "What's fair? Is it fair that you were born this way?" (John Winger to Dewey Oxburger in Stripes). By the way, Justin, alternating home field is by no means random. Oh, from the article:]
Thad Cox (Somerville, MA): Hi Joe, I was thinking it might be a fun idea for MLB to take a page from the NHL or NBA and not only have the home-run derby, but also a skills competition. Events could include: 1) A race around the bases (Ichiro, Soriano, Furcal, Renteria, Pierre, Dave Roberts) 2) Throwing a ball from the outfield into a bucket at home plate, ala Tom Emanski's Defensive Drills video (Ichiro, Sheffield, Guerrero, Mondesi, Gonzalez) 3) Pitchers competing to knock the most cans off a wall with 10 baseballs (Maddux, Moyer, Martinez, Mulder, Zito) 4) Pitchers seeing who could throw a ball the hardest, ala the NHL's Hardest Shot Competition (MacDougal, Gagne, Prior, Wood, Schmidt, Smoltz, Wagner) I'm sure they could come up with some more fun events, and I think it would really entertain the fans.
However, we can't get franchises to let their pitchers throw a couple of innings in an exhibition. Who's going to let Barry Zito knock down cans and let Kerry Wood throw his arm out? Besides don't they have to pitch in the All-Star game the next day? Thad, they have something called batting practice. You should check it out. You've just been watching too much of "The Whammer" versus "The Natural". It Malamuddies the water.] John (Stillwater, MN): What's your take on Bond's childish remarks about being a "grown man and not having to be in the Home Run Derby"?
Joe's right: Bonds is by no means required to go to the HR derby. It would make the competition more interesting, but do real fans even watch that thing? Bonds could have expressed himself more diplomatically, but that's Barry, love him or hate him. By the way Dr. J, retired when the slam-dunk contest was three years old and he competed in the first two.] John W. (Aurora, IL): Hey Joe. I was wondering what your opinion is regarding Frank Thomas's absence from the All-Star team. He has the highest OPS of anybody not on the team, and if you ask me, OPS is the best indication of a hitter's productivity. Plus, the game is in Chicago, and he (and Ordonez) truly represent our Sox.
Oh, and Joe agrees 100% that "OPS is the best indication of a hitter's productivity"? Great!] Joseph (San Jose, CA): hey joe, whats your take on the dontrelle willis situation? Although he was largely unproven until this year(some might say he still needs a full season to prove himself) he's been arguably the best pitcher in the first half of the season. do you think he deserves to be an all star?
Joe, maybe young players are not proving themselves quicker. Maybe they are just having their career year first. Ask Kevin Maas and Joe Charboneau. From the Joe-Files:]
Pitcher Dontrelle Willis fits into this category -- and he should be an NL All-Star. The Florida Marlins rookie sensation is 8-1 with a 1.98 ERA! He's an exciting young star, and Major League Baseball needs to showcase up-and-coming players. I don't understand why he's been overlooked.
Aaron(Scottsdale, AZ): I've been seeing a lot of attention around Dontrelle Willis, yet not a single word about D-Back Brandon Webb. While Webb doesn't have the cooky itching style the media loves, he has more innigns, less walks per nine innings and a lower BAA. I'm not saying he's necessarily better the Willis, since I'vre never seen him pitch, but I do think Webb is comparably good young pitcher. Why is Webb universally ignored everywhere outside of Arizona?
I don't know why Webb is a "blue collar guy". He has pitched well. Maybe the fact that there are a few deserving rookie pitchers is a good argument against taking unproven rookies in the first place.] Marcus (Dallas): Mr. Morgan, how do you feel about "us", the fans, getting to pick the MVP of the All Star Game?
By the way, I just received the following email from MLB: 2003 All-Star Game MVP Vote presented by Pepsi Heaven help us--the third inning?]
The All-Star selection process never has been perfect, and with these added features it's still an imperfect system. I can't devise a perfect system, but this one definitely can be improved. Give Priority To Players From World Series Teams While every team should be represented, I believe that deserving players from the World Series teams should be given priority. The All-Star Game now is all about honoring individual accomplishment, but team accomplishment should also be factored in. And the players from the best teams -- the reigning world champions and the runners-up -- should be given more weight in All-Star selections. In other words, in a close roster contest between two players, the one from the World Series champion ought to get the nod. Furthermore, when it comes to selecting All-Star pitchers, starters should be given priority over relievers. The starter logs the big innings, while the closer gets in the game only if his team is ahead. This year's AL roster has six starters and six relievers, and you can make a case that Yankees starters David Wells (11-3, 3.76 ERA) or Mike Mussina (10-5, 3.14 ERA) deserve a spot. The NL roster has a better distribution, with eight starters and five relievers... Ultimately, regardless of all the bells and whistles MLB adds to the All-Star Game -- World Series home-field, players voting, fan Internet voting for the final two spots, etc. -- we need to always remember one thing: The game is about the players. And what the players do on the field is what will make the game memorable.
"Priority to World Series teams": This is ludicrous. They have a big enough advantage with their managers apparently single-handedly picking the rosters. "[I]n a close roster contest between two players, the one from the World Series champion ought to get the nod." Doesn't he think they do get the nod already? Besides, good teams should have good players, who should be selected on their own merits. Starting vs. relief pitching: Joe is right to a degree. The problem is that the AL latched onto this middle relief All-Star concept and the NL has yet to do so. Therefore they have as many relievers as starters this year. Besides, in an extra inning game, starters will eat more innings, thereby avoiding another tie. But that won't happen again because now it's for real. Besides with Carter and Williams coming out of the pen in the 11th, scoring should abound.]
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Yankees and Ex-Yankees: Going to the Mattresses?
2003-07-13 02:39
It seems that the Yankees management is back to ticking off players. The Players Association has now joined the fray in the Bubba Trammell custody suit. The Yankees placed Trammell on the restricted list after he went AWOL over a week ago. Trammell is upset because he does not get paid while on the restricted list but would if he were on the DL. So like a blue-collar workman's comp case, Trammell taking a trip to his local GP. Meanwhile, the disaster that was Juan Acevedo is ripping into Steinbrenner and the Yankees: "The first thing I did was to grow my stuff back," Acevedo said. "Maybe George should let guys grow facial hair. Is it because he can't grow it? Is that it?" Steinbrenner responded with, "I'm rubber. You're glue..." Slapping ensued.
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Almonte Recalled By Both New York Teams--Homeless Man in Penn Station Subway Station Clears Up Mess
2003-07-13 02:28
I completely missed the fact that the New York Mets and the New york Yankees both recalled from the minors a player named Almonte on Monday. Erick Almonte replaced the fielding-challenged Juan Rivera on the Yankees' roster. While at Seven Train Stadium, the Metsgoes recalled Edwin Almonte to replace the injured Al Leiter. To complicate things further, Hector Almonte was signed by the Expos on Thursday. By the way, these are the only three players ever in the majors with the last name Almonte. Meanwhile Monty Capuletti celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the Rodney Dangerfield-Joe Pesci opus Easy Money.
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All-Star A-Go-Go
2003-07-13 02:15
With all the quibbling over the All-Star rosters, myself included, the last couple of days have seen a revolving door of roster changes. And yet Frank Thomas is still not on the team. Here are the changes since the rosters were set: AL: Jason Giambi replaces the injured Mike Sweeney. NL: Dontrelle Willis replaces injured Kevin Browne. AL: Magglio Ordonez replaces injured Manny Ramirez NL: Marcus Giles and Mark Prior collided yesterday and both may miss the All-Star game though Prior seems probable. The ertswhile New York Times reports that the Bud Selig is trying to manipulate the AL roster to get Roger Clemens on the team: A person close to baseball's internal discussions said Commissioner Bud Selig was trying to figure out a way to place Clemens on the American League team. Selig had been talking with Sandy Alderson, the executive vice president for baseball operations, and other officials about how Willis and Clemens could have been overlooked and how baseball could include them, the person said... Well, if Fox wants it, consider it a done deal. For all the grousing in the media about Clemens' absence the Once-Upon-A-Times reports that the Rocket would prefer a day off. I say let him go in Roy Halladay's spot and everyone's happy. An in the future, just let Fox pick the rosters, the rules of the game, the uniforms, and which teams will play on the World Series.
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The Morass Expos
2003-07-13 02:00
ESPN reports that baseball will not make a decision on the Expos until at least Labor Day with the season finale being the "drop-dead date'' du jour. Baseball had targeted the forthcoming All-Star break for a final decision, but for a league that was reportedly set to contract a team even as spring training began, apparently they cannot agree on a future home the beleaguered franchise. Or maybe they like laundering players through Montreal, Juan Gonzalez notwithstanding. Suiters from at least two of the groups were converging on Chicago for wining and dining of the Bud and the boys. Baseball appears in hurry to solve a clearly untenable position though options abound. Keeping Montrel in purgatory until 2006, when contraction because a unilateral decision on the owners' part, seems to be one option they want to keep open. Again Bud micromanages every aspect of the All-Star game (new voting procedures, the winning league gets home-field advantage in the Series, the Italian Sausage will sing the national anthem, etc.), but does not even attempt to cure baseball's current biggest problem.
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Urbina Development
2003-07-12 01:57
Ugueth Urbina has been traded by the Rangers to the Jeffrey Loria-led Marlins for three Double-AA prospects, one of which was the number one all around pick in 2000. The Rangers continue to dump older players and salary for prospects. The Marlins feel that they can compete and that with Dontrelle Willis, they can draw fans. They also plan to use Urbina as a setup man, so I don't see why he's worth the three prospects, but that's what Loria's leadership does to teams. The Marlins are only three games over .500, have three teams ahead of them in the NL East standings, and have five teams ahead of them in the wild card. Is an extra setup guy going to push them over the top? By the way, the Marlins fan--and you know who you are-- can rejoice because Dontrelle Willis will be replacing the continually injured Kevin Browne on the NL All-Star roster.
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Simple Simon Suspended for Silly Sausage Swing
2003-07-12 01:37
Randall Simon was suspended three games in the latest round of baseball taking itself too seriously. Meanwhile Dusty Baker is spouting "Jimmy the Greek"-inspired genealogy and doesn't even get MLB's attention.
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Sutt Up, All Over Again
2003-07-11 00:19
It seems that ESPN noticed the errors made by Rick Sutcliffe that I pointed out from his chat the other day. They have removed the question and Sutcliffe's response. That's the kind of journalism that made the New York Times so famous that they are now as infamous as El Guapo. To witness Sutcliffe's true idiocy--he pronounces the Phils dead in the NL East race but thinks that Travis Lee and someone named Burrough, not Burrell, play for them--you have to come to Mike's Baseball Rants. Keepin' it real for an entire year now.
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Sausage-Gate Closed
2003-07-10 15:59
Randall Simon, who proved that he will swing at anything after clubbing the Italian Sausage in the Brewers' inane sausage race, has been assessed a $432 fine for his offense (his defense is worth even less). Now the handwringing begins: Simon was remorseful, cooperative and apologetic following the incident and...he wanted to apologize to the victims. The Pirates did so in a statement released before Thursday's game between the Pirates and Milwaukee Brewers. There, however, was no apology forthcoming from the Brewers for having the sausage race in the first place. Oh, the humanity!
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Simon Kosher?
2003-07-10 10:52
"Go away from me, Lord, for I am a sinful man!"
Randall Simon, the man who was once termed a "fat monkey" by intolerant ex-teammate John Rocker, hit a 20-year-old woman who portrays the Italian Sausage in Milwaukee's Miller Park sausage races with his bat from the visitors' dugout. Judging from Simon's dimensions, one would expect him to be rather friendly with the Italian Sausage. The force caused the woman to fall and took out the Hot Dog as well. Simon was booked for misdemeanor battery and later released. The incident was captured on video, because what's the sense of having a stupid promotion if you can't blow it up on a jumbo screen for all to see. I haven't seen the video so I'm sure if that was the desired comical effect on Simon's part or if he was unaware that he was captured on Candid Camera. The taciturn Bernie Brewer was unavailable for comment, but made the following obscene gesture...
Pirates outfielder Reggie Sanders said he thought the weight of the head on the sausage costume contributed to the fall. Thanks Reggie: we were unclear on the degree of strangeness of the incident. The game was so strange it earned Brooks "Double Duty" Kieschnick his first victory in the 12th. By the way, Kieschnick has four homers and a .977 OPS in 44 at-bats as well. Also, in the strange department, the two teams wore 1978 uniforms, though there were no reports of any Larry Hisle-type afro wigs being adorned. Anyway, back to Simon: Look, I had money riding on the Bratwurst too, but I would never sully the spirit of the sausage race by Tonya Harding-ing the competition. The Sausage Commissioner should look into his gambling history and bar him from the sport for life-from the sport of Sausage Racing, not baseball. The Pirates play one more at Milwaukee today. There's no word as yet if Brewers' starter Matt Ford will retaliate for the incident Pedro-like by taking out the entire Pirates lineup. However, Simon is fortunate that he did not attack a sausage at Fenway when he played in the AL. He would have been shot on sight for such sacrilege there. [By the way, ESPN has is running the following poll: Of course! As a fellow Italian-American, I would choose the Italian Sausage to "have" my back. "Excuse me while I speak Italian to my friend the Sausage here."]
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Roy to Take All-Star Halladay?
2003-07-10 01:08
Carlos Tosca is asking Al All-Star manager Mike Scioscia to give AL win-leader Roy Halladay the night off next Tuesday in Comiskey. Toronto faces the Red Sox Yankees the series before the break (Saurday on three days' rest) and the Red Sox in the first game of the series right after the break, and Halladay is scheduled to pitch in both series. "It's unfortunate, but that's the way it is,'' [Toronto manager] Tosca said. Well, no, not really. It's that way because you want it that way. Fine, the Blue jays are in a pennant race and don't want to miss a start from their best pitcher. But pennant contenders Seattle, Oakland (2), and Chicago also have starting pitchers going in the game. What if they all said no to their pitchers being used? Is C.C. Sabathia supposed to pitch a complete game? The AL is already in the hole since Scioscia took six relievers, non of whom would he dare to use more than an inning unless he was down to his last pitcher. Starting pitchers seem to only go 2 innings. Scioscia has five remaining of those. At max, they can pitch 16 innings. However, that's assuming that Scioscia uses every pitcher to his fullest (every starter for two innings and every reliever for one), and that has not been done lately in the All-Star game. I think that the threat of running out of pitchers around the 12 is again a real one this year. The AL should grant the Blue Jays wish and drop Halladay from the active roster. Let him come out and wave to the fans during the intros-that's fine. Then they should grab Roger Clemens, Tim Hudson, Gil Meche, or Mike Mussina. It doesn't really matter who. One thing is clear: Bud Selig's master plan to ensure that the game "means something" and therefore does not end in a tie is not working. At least it's not working north of the border.
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No Ohka No-No, II
2003-07-10 00:41
The Phils-Expos game ended as a three-hitter for both sides. Unfortunately for Ohka, one was an Abreu homer and the Phils won 2-0.
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No Ohka No-No (The Chorus to Elvira?)
2003-07-09 21:24
Tomo Ohka just lost a no-hitter to Placido Polanco to lead off the seventh inning. Polanco first lost his game bat to a fan who refused to trade it for an autographed model. On the next pitch he then dribbled a ball halfway down the third base line that was dropped by third baseman Edwards "At least I'm not Fernando Tatis" Guzman as he transitioned it to his throwing hand. Guzman may have had Polanco if he fielded and threw the ball cleanly. It was ruled a hit though the rules indicate that the first hit to break up a no-hitter should be a clean one. Bobby Abreu made the point moot, hitting a two-run home run to give the Phils a 2-0 lead. No stranger to no-hitters, Kevin Millwood is still pitching a 1-hit shutout himself.
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Beisbol Rants Del Microfono
2003-07-09 19:12
I just found this referrer to my site: Mike's Baseball Rants in Spanish. Es verdad. It's easier than hitting SAP on your remote.
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Sutt Up
2003-07-09 14:03
From today's Rick Sutcliffe chat session: Ethan GA: two questions, the phillies made a run at the braves and cut the lead and then lost a few in a row, can they win the division and do you see them trading for anyone?
OK, maybe that was a typo...twice. However, "That is without anything for Lee or Burrough." "Lee"?!? Who, Lee Elia? The Phillies had Travis Lee last year. Derrek plays for the Marlins and Carlos Lee for the Chisox, but neither plays or has ever played for the Phillies. The Phillies have gotten nothing from Lee since he no longer plays from them. They also got nothing from Mike Schmidt, Steve Carlton, Chris Short, Jim Bunning, Ed Delahanty, Chuck Klein, Richie Ashburn, and Del Ennis. They have a new first baseman, a kid by the name of Thome. You may have heard of him, Rick. By the way, Sutcliffe is correct that John Vukovich is the brains behind Bowa's, uh, lack of brains. He has been a coach or player for the Phils since their 1980 championship.
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Straw, the Walrus?
2003-07-09 09:59
"I'm not dead yet!...I feel happy! I feel happy!" The rumors of Darryl Strawberry's death have been greatly exagerrated apparently, at least according to the once-venerable NY Times. "Everything is fine," [Strawberry's lawyer and other brother Darryl] Rouson said in a telephone interview. Rouson said he had spoken with Ron Dock, a drug abuse counselor with the Yankees who acts as Strawberry's sponsor. "He assured me that he's spoken to Darryl and he's alive." So I guess Rouson has to point out that Dock is not a clairvoyant. I could see if he had said John Edwards or Miracle Max (a.k.a. Billy Crystal) in The Princess Bride had spoken to Strawberry; then Rouson would have to indicate that he was still alive. But isn't it superfluous here?
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They Call It The Streak
2003-07-09 01:07
(Or my infallibility already put to the test) There was an interesting query circulating on the SABR online newsletter do-hickey. It reads as follows: Subject: Hitting Streak Probabilities Well I thought I'd try my hand and here's what I whipped up: I was a Math major, so let's see if I can be of assistance. I thought it sounded pretty good. I got numbers and everything. But Carroll Zahn wrote me the following: Unfortunately, Michael Freiman in the most recent Baseball Research Journal says that Dimaggio had only a 1 in 9545 chance of a 56 game streak in 1941. He has the math and lots of specific examples. Take a look. I[t] did not go through your analysis so I do not know where you differ from Freiman. Good luck. The bastard! I checked out the article and Freiman starts with hits per plate appearance as the basis but instead of using fractional at-bats, he calculates the odds in 4 at-bats and 5 at-bats and prorates them. I have a couple of issues with his approach but they will have to wait for another day.
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Nines to the Nines
2003-07-09 00:28
My friend Mike (via Rob Neyer) just directed me to this online baseball uniform database. It basically takes the Mark Okkonen tome Baseball Uniforms of the Twentieth Century, which is about 10 years out of date, and fills in the intervening years. I have added it to my reference section to the left. (By the way, that's the 1916 New York Giants above in case you thought silly uniforms started with the A's and Astros in the Seventies.)
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Infallibility by Proxy
2003-07-08 16:19
You mention Larry Christenson injuring his knee in the charity bike-a-thon. He actually broke his collarbone, and it was his right elbow that he had the most problems with, undergoing numerous surgeries. I don't believe he ever had any knee injuries. "So I got that going for me, which is nice." (Caddyshack)
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The All-Snub Team, IV
2003-07-08 00:26
Corey Patterson has gone on th DL with a torn ligament in his knee. He will miss the remainder of the season. So Patterson's name has been removed from contention in the 32nd Almost-Star Dude contest and puppet show. And a Pirate outfielder has been selected to replace him. So Brian Giles finally gets his due, you say? Nope, the Buc outfielder is none other than Kenny Lofton. Lofton' OPS (.774) is 115th in the majors. He is an even worse choice than Molina, not to mention that he perpetuates the Dusty connection conspiracy theories about the selection process. I don't know how much say Baker had, but Lofton must have some revealing pictures of someone in the All-Star process since he has not one stat that would recommend him to represent the NL in the pre-World Series Bowl. The NL now has only one player in the top 80 qualified batters in OPS. That's Geoff Jenkins who sits at #37. Lofton is 29th among outfielders in OPS (Giles is 5th, Jenkins 12th). Luis Castillo is 7th in OPS among second basemen. Cabrerra is 4th among shortstops. Santiago is fourth among catchers but only 7 catchers qualify. Basically the NL's Final Guy features mostly average players. This is perhaps the biggest outrage since the silly "every team must be represented" rule has already been satisfied. So why not pick the five best players? In a related note, Jurgen Maas rightly points out that Brendon Webb has bettered rookie fave Dontrelle Willis in the more important pitching stats: Why is the omission of Willis such a big controversy? He's not even the best rookie pitcher out there. (Paging Mr. Webb.) Is flair worth that much? Here is a table of young (25 and under) pitchers who do not qualify for the ERA title currently but like Willis are having impressive seasons and were left off the All-Star team:
Is Willis really that much better than all that many of these guys? Willis strikes out a bunch, but no more than the underused Santana. Besides his ERA and WHIP are higher than Webb's. He is a very interesting pitcher to watch and may be used to salvage that franchise's season, but is that reason enough to put him on the All-Star team? I guess what this illustrates is that you can't tell all that much on a handful of starts by a good young pitcher. Certainly any of these guys is more qualified than Mike Williams, but the universal outrage over the Willis snubbing is a bit overplayed.
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File Under Necessities
2003-07-07 15:59
Dusty Baker channels Al Campanis. No further comment.
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The All-Snub Team, III
2003-07-07 13:49
According to the current Win Share standings (from Major League Baseball Graphs-Thanks Murray), here is what the All-Star teams should look like (with Win Shares in parentheses): American LeagueStarters Jorge Posada, C (12.78) Reserves A.J. Pierzynski, C (10.74) National LeagueStarters Javy Lopez, C (13.65) Reserves Ivan Rodriguez, C (13.50) I'm not crazy about a number of those choices, but at least it's impartial.
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The All-Snub Team, II
2003-07-07 10:01
My friend Murray disagrees with my Most-Stars screed. He writes: Initial reaction: I can't believe you're hammering the fans. The fans' team is acceptable, if not perfect. Once you open the voting to the internet and campaign in Japan, what do you expect to happen? Whatever. But Jesus, Mike, Dusty took Kerry Wood and Russ Ortiz and left Dontrelle Willis and said it was because he hadn't seen Willis pitch this season (hey, Dusty, get cable!). He took Mike Williams. The players think Carl Everett and Shawn Chacon belongs on the All-Star team. I wrote back: I didn't mean to take the fans to task. They did do a poor job, but I just meant the system is screwed up and it's a "for the want of a nail" thing that starts with the fans' vote. They pick Ichiro and ignore Frank Thomas. That's fine if we have 40-man rosters to cover their mistakes, but that's impractical. So why not take it away from the fans? I also received an email from your friendly, neighborhood MLB extolling the virtues of the final vote. "Cast your All-Star Final Vote for the 32nd man" it advised. Upon closer inspection, I found that I have the final say as to who will be the last man on each roster. That was as promising as the dozen or so times that I won the Publishers' Clearing House Sweepstakes, as long as my name was the same as the winner's. Heck, I would change my name for that much money, but it didn't work. Anyway, here's the email: etopps 2003 All-Star Final Vote -- You have the final say! Sheez, do you think they want me to vote for the "Final Vote"? DO IT TODAY!!!!!!!!! Anyway, Benjie Molina? Luis Castillo? Is that the fans are clamoring for in their final selection? Thomas and Giambi: OK. Why not Pedro, Willis, Mussina, and Clemens? OK, so they don't want fans to vote on any pitchers because not even Joe Morgan can figure out those tricky ERAs. It takes a real baseball scientist like Dusty Baker to figure out Mike Williams is superior to Dontrelle Willis. So why no Sammy, Thome, Walker or at least Bill Mueller and Milton Bradley (he has name recognition)? Here is where the ten choices fall in the major-league OPS standings: 8 Frank Thomas, Chi WS 17 Jason Giambi, NYY 22 Jason Varitek, Bos 32 Eric Byrnes, Oak 37 Geoff Jenkins, Milw 68 Corey Patterson, Chi C 82 Orlando Cabrera, Mon 96 Benito Santiago, SF 102 Luis Castillo, Fla 112 Bengie Molina, Ana The AL selections are good besides Molina, but you would have done just as well to pick names out of a hat to get the NL Almost-Stars. But then again the majors would stop living the dream if they got the "Final Vote" Nearly-Stars right.
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The All-Snub Team The All-Star
2003-07-07 01:36
The All-Snub TeamThe All-Star rosters were announced today, and as usual there is plenty of grist for the "my favorite player got snubbed" mill. Many argue that rosters are large enough and that expanding the rosters will only serve to make the game even more of a rotating door with managers rushing to employ as many players as possible. Also, some will say that no matter how large the rosters become there will always be borderline players that got overlooked. Those are all valid arguments. However, the rosters don't have to be expanded and borderline players do not need to be included. "Hey, what gives, Mike? No additional players and fewer Oil Can Boyd-erline arguments? How do I sign up?" you ask, my inquisitive friend? The answer is first to take the privilege of voting for the starting lineups out of the fans' hands. They have fouled things up for far to long and no longer deserve such an important role in determining the World Series home field possessor. Let them continue to vote for the last man on each roster. That minimizes the number of screw-ups they can execute to one per team per year. Next, get rid of the "each team must have a rep" nonsense. What ends up happening is that on poor teams the best player is not even sent. A player is instead chosen to fill a role. Witness Brian Giles snubbing this year so that Buc teammate Mike Williams of the 6.29 ERA (!) can represent the city of Pittsburgh and the National League. I know that these are not original suggestions. However, they have always been offered as the pro-roster expansion argument and have always been defeated by the con-roster expansion arguments above. I'm saying that both sets of arguments are valid and are far from mutually exclusive. Rather, they could be used together to get us to a happier, shinier All-Star world-Budtopia? Anyway, here are the players that were overlooked from the All-Stars who deserve consideration. First, the batters ranked by major-league OPS standings. There are approx. 20 batters per team. I have listed the players in the top 50 in OPS: 8 Frank Thomas, Chi WS 10 Milton Bradley, Clev 11 Brian Giles, Pitt 13 Trot Nixon, Bos 16 Bill Mueller, Bos 17 Jason Giambi, NYY 20 Larry Walker, Col 21 Richard Hidalgo, Hou 22 Jason Varitek, Bos (But Posada #39 and Hernandez 118 do go) 27 Sammy Sosa, Chi C 31 Jim Thome, Phil 32 Eric Byrnes, Oak 33 Steve Finley, Az 34 Aubrey Huff, TB (The D-Rays have a valid All-Star and yet Lance Carter, 4.17 ERA, represents the team) 37 Geoff Jenkins, Milw (#47 Sexson represents the team) 38 Chipper Jones, Atl 41 Corey Koskie, Minn 42 Kevin Millar, Bos 43 Jeff Kent, Hou 44 Brad Wilkerson, Mon 46 Lance Berkman, Hou 48 Cliff Floyd, NYM 50 Adam Dunn, Cin 53 Ryan Klesko, SD (#79 fellow Padre Rondell White is going, however) Here are the players outside of the top 40 in OPS who will be at th All-Star game: 47 Richie Sexson, Milw 49 Alfonso Soriano, NYY (Starts) 55 Edgar Renteria, StL (starts) 59 Ichiro Suzuki, Sea (Starts) 61 Troy Glaus, Ana (starts) 64 Rafael Furcal, Atl 69 Hideki Matsui, NYY (Starts-methinks the Japanese fans are heavily into online voting too much) 79 Rondell White, SD 84 Marcus Giles, Atl (starts) 103 Paul Lo Duca, LA 118 Ramon Hernandez You might notice that the fans did a horrendous job, especially in the AL, in picking the starting team. This puts the managers at a distinct disadvantage. However, they perpetuated the screw-up. The pitching staffs fully illustrate how. Here are the starting pitchers in the top 25 in ERA in the majors who were left off the All-Star teams: 4 Pedro Martinez, Bos (no Pedro, but we get to see Lance Carter? Yippee!) 6 Hideo Nomo, LA 7 Kazuhisa Ishii, LA 8 Miguel Batista, Az 9 Mark Redman, Fla 10 Tim Hudson, Oak (His ERA is ahead of teammates Mulder (#13) and Zito (#14), who both made the team) 16 Mike Mussina, NYY 17 Jae Weong Seo, NYM 18 Gil Meche, Sea 20 Carlos Zambrano, ChiC 22 Joel Pineiro, Sea 23 Kip Wells, Pitt 25 Brett Myers, Phil However, Roy Halladay (#26 but 12 wins) and Shawn Chacon (#50, but 11 wins and having to pitch at Coors) were included. The relief pitchers were far worse. They took most of the save leaders (except Ugueth Urbina (tied 3rd) and Rocky Biddle (tied 6th)). But saves tell only part of the story. Mike Williams goes to Chicago even with a 6.29 ERA (I am still shocked!). And Lance Carter goes even though he has a 4.17 ERA and is 22nd in the majors in saves. And again only the AL acknowledges the contribution of middle relief. They chose two deserving setup men (Donnelly and Hasegawa) to bring their relief corps to 6 men. However, the NL chose 5 relievers, all closers. Worthy Octavio Dotel (1.99 ERA and 56 K in 49.2 IP) was ignored. Meanwhile in the AL, selecting Tampa's Al Levine (1.67 ERA in 43 IP) would have been a superior choice to the embattled Carter. So what's to be done? Something must give if we are now to take the All-Star game seriously. Either the rosters must expand to cover the fans eccentric choices or the vote must be taken away from the fans. The AL and NL have to use like procedures to pick their staffs, particularly closers. And finally, and most importantly, chuck the "at least one player per each team" rule. If you're a Pittsburgh fan how can you rejoice in being represented by a player who will most likely lose his job before the end of the year?
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But Are They Better? III
2003-07-03 16:06
According to the Chicago Tribune, the White Sox have offered many of their top picks as part of the pool from which Texas can pick in the Carl Everett exchange. That's gonna leave a scar.
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But Are They Better? II
2003-07-03 12:41
Joe Posnanski, who just keeps churning out interesting articles, writes that the Sox may not have secured the division with their one-day trade binge: Of course, you never know. This just might be the move that puts the White Sox over the top. The "Baseball Tonight" people seemed to love it. Alomar and Everett are two former All-Stars. Everett may be motivated to get a contract, and he has not bumped an umpire in months. Meanwhile, Alomar, reunited with his brother Sandy, may decide to come out of his coma. He also points out that the pick-up of Curt Leskanic for two marginal prospects may end up helping the Royals more: [T]his is exactly the kind of subtle move that makes teams better. The Royals had to improve their bullpen. So they traded a couple of guys who didn't fit in their future, spent a little extra money and got a guy who might make a big difference in that bullpen. It's a more logical move by a team that has defied logic by playing better when its stars are out (Beltran earlier in the year and Sweeney now). I still think that the White Sox are going to win the division, but I don't think that these two trades will be the reason for it. A reasonable second half by Paul Konerko and some reasonable offense from third (which they still need) and center should be enough.
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But Are They Better?
2003-07-03 01:18
The White Sox added big names in Robby Alomar and Carl Everett within 24 hours. All the analysts seem very excited and are stating unequivocally that Alomar will bounce back in the AL. Frank Thomas hits a dramatic home run to win tonight's game (his second on the night) and sweep the Twins, and the Baseball Tonight crew is ready to hand Chicago the division even though they just reached .500 and are three games back in third place. I, however, am left to wonder if they actually improved with te high-profile deals. Alomar replaces underachieving D'Angelo Jimenez who was reassigned and whom the Sox will try to move. Alomar has a pretty good shot of going into the Hall of Fame while Jimenez's biggest claim to fame is being picked by Rob Neyer as the better player over Alfonso Soriano a couple of years back. So it seems like a no brainer, right? Well, Jimenez is 25; Alomar, 35. Even though Alomar's batting average is six points higher (.261 to .255), Jimenez has an OPS that is over 40 points higher than Alomar's. Jimenez was given exactly 100 games to prove himself in Chitown. His offensive numbers were respectable (a .791 OPS in 27 games in 2002, 9% better than league average and .724 OPS so far this year, which is 120 point better than infield-mate Joe Crede). It seems that GM Ken Williams was upset by his baserunning and defense ( I had a quote to that effect but cannot find it now). Jimenez is just 4-for-7 in stolen bases and apparently has been picked off on occasion. It is surprising that a player with such innate speed is not an outstanding baserunner. Also, Jimenez is a converted shortstop, so his defense should be an asset. Looking at his stats from last year, his range was better than average at second and third base and far better than average at short. This year his range dropped severely at second (5.43 to 4.51 in range factor) and he has had seven errors so far. However, with Alomar's legendary defense, his range has not been much better in 2003 (4.75 RF) and was much worse last year (4.42 RF). Given the age difference, Alomar's one and a half year slump, the amount of Alomar's contract, and the fact that he will be a free agent this offseason, I would prefer to hang onto Jimenez. Moreover, if the Sox want to improve, why not shift Jimenez to third, a position he has played well, and bench the deplorable Joe Crede (.226 BA, .266 OBP, .610 OPS, 13 walks in 279 ABs)? Or bench Jimenez for the remainder of the year and let him try to win back the job after Alomar leaves? It seems that Kenny Williams had high expectations for Jimenez and when he did not fulfill them, he was jettisoned. Jimenez may have a lot of decent baseball left in him; Alomar may be out of the game after one more bad half-season. Meanwhile, Carl Everett takes over apparently for Aaron Rowand in center. The 25-year-old Rowand was a poor offensive player last year and has been even worse in 2003 (.279 OBP, .633 OPS), and there is little indication that he will even hit enough to start in the major leagues. So here's another no-brainer, right? Well, Everett is somewhat damaged goods himself. He is 32 and is in his third organization n three years. He is a free agent at the end of the year. He is coming off two subpar years in a row. Even though he started out as hot as anyone in the game, he has cooled considerably. His stats for June (.211 batting average, .273 on-base percentage, .389 slugging, and .662 OPS) are probably worse than Rowand's numbers above. Besides he is a well-known cancer in the clubhouse. Though I would expect Everett to better Rowand's numbers over the course of the season. It makes me wonder if they would have been better off shifting Magglio Ordonez to center and starting Brian Daubach in right. Though sacrificing so much defense for offense may be nuts. So are they better? I would say not much if at all. At worst, Everett adds some depth to the outfield. Well maybe there is worse: the two are a bust and the Sox lose a top closer as early as next year (in Ring) while Billy Koch continues to struggle. However, if I were a White Sox fan, I would be loving it. The team is finally buying instead of selling talent before the trade deadline. They did get big name players with potential up sides should they capture lightning in a jar. They don't have any long commitments to these wizened players. Their in a pennant race and appear to have the division champs on the ropes. Life is good on the south side.
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Vet Viewings
2003-07-03 00:08
I have added a link for Phillies tickets on the left. Go see the venerable and moribund Vet while you can.
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I Wonder If Epstein's Mother Will Sign It
2003-07-02 23:54
Red Sox Nation has its own report card on the Saux. Fry yourself up a sausage and wicked check it out. [By the way, the headline is a reference to the "Welcome Back, Kotter" gag rather than Theo's age.]
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Where's Ed Kranepool When You Need Him?
2003-07-02 13:48
The Mets may no longer have the venerable Ed but there is the Eddie Kranepool Society, who have prepared a report card for the team. And I thought I was harsh on the Metsgoes! ("Meet the Mets. Walk right up and beat the Mets.") It seems that Art Howe should take a close look at the signatures of Shinjo's, Cedeno's, and Leiter's mothers when their cards come back. Cliff Floyd and Jeromy Burnitz must have brought apples because they're the teacher's pets.
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It's a Wide World After All
2003-07-02 13:13
Mark Simons continues his series on ESPN's Living Legends broadcasters. This week it's Keith Jackson for a great M's/A's game on the Deuce. And there is a New Orleans Pelicans sighting in the article ("Manny, look at the pelican," to quote Tony Montana).
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Blogged Up Real Good
2003-07-02 12:30
I have to apologize for the appearance of my blog. Apparently, the new and improved Blogger does not support posts over about a page in length. That is why my Joe Morgan Chat review had to be split into eight separate posts. However, not to worry: soon Blogger will remedy the situation and in the process create several more. Thanks for your pateince.
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I Wonder If Pete Seeger Will Show Up
2003-07-02 00:20
I received an interesting email the other day about a protest to be held (or not) at the All-Star game. The protest is to reinstate Buck Weaver, one of the so-called Black Sox, as the game is to be held at the new Comiskey. Protesting will be held from 4pm to 7pm at the old 3rd base at Comiskey Park. More details to follow. Here's a brochure on their cause. Here's a letter from Bud Selig saying, basically, "Thanks but no thanks," when it comes to a meeting with the protestors. And here's a letter from the Sox telling them to stay out of the parking lot. Be forewarned that their literature is full of good ol' fashioned hokum like, "Weaver was an All-Star before there was such a thing. Called a 'natural ball player of natural ball players' by the Saturday Evening Post..." I'm not much for open protests myself, but given the anecdotal evidence I have heard (mainly from John Cusack's portrayal of Weaver in Eight Men Out), it seems that Weaver was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Throwing ballgames was apparently not uncommon around the turn of the century. Hal Chase made a cottage industry out of it, and greats Tris Speaker and Ty Cobb were tarnished by it. Weaver knew about the fix, did nothing, and was held responsible by commissioner Landis. Was that morally correct? Probably not, since many knew of Chase's indescretions and were not punished for having the knowledge. If the incident happened today, Weaver would most certainly by banned. The Black Sox were the tipping point, however. I'm not sure what becomes of Weaver. If I were commissioner-heck, if I were commissioner, I'd replace Sandy Alderson with Morganna the Kissing Bandit. Anyway, if I were commissioner, I would have some flunky investigate and if the story checked out, I would go ahead and remove his name from the banned list. The man is dead. It just clears his name anyway. And besides, it doesn't send a bad message to the current players. And maybe that's what Bud Selig would do after he stops monkeying with All-Star game. However, there's one bowl-coiffed problem, Peter Edward Rose. As Weaver goes so must Rose, some will argue, the logical-impaired masses that is. Selig won't touch Weaver with a ten-foot pole until Rose's de-excommunication is complete. And he's in no hurry to even address that. So I'm afraid Buck is going to have to wait another decade or so. (By the way, the headline is a reference to the seminal folk band the Weavers... And comedy ensued.)
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Everett to ChiSox?
2003-07-01 23:41
From Lee Sinins: According to Peter Gammons, the Whitesox have acquired Carl Everett from the Rangers.
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! VIII
2003-07-01 23:06
Burr (NYC): Joe- Thanks for spending such a long time with us this morning! You're the best!
Joe, you have an opinion on lots of things but you don't answer the questions people pose. ] Matt (Illinois): Joe, how much of KC's success is due to Tony Pena? Having been a Royals fan for several BAD years it seems incredible what he's done. Did you expect him to do so well as a manager?
I think this goes back to what Lou Piniella did with Ben Grieve. He didn't want that losing attitude on his team.
By the way, the little picture next to Jayson Stark is a dandy of two comic giants: Carrot Top and Paulie Shore. Good night and god bless!]
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! VII
2003-07-01 22:56
Bryan (St. Louis MO): Joe, sticking with my NL Central theme and speaking of "lost arts" (mentioned in previous post), what is your take on "small ball". I grew up watching the "Runnin Redbirds" of the 80's, and the style of management with Whitey Herzog. Do you think that baseball would be better if it were back to the way it was in the 80s, or is the long ball here to stay? Maybe raising the mound back up would help a bit?
"Do you think that baseball would be better if it were back to the way it was in the 80s, or is the long ball here to stay?" Those are two separate questions. My answers are yes and yes. I don't think we will see the likes of Willie McGee again but baseball is coming down from its home run-induced high. The long ball has been "here to stay" since Babe Ruth popularized the tater. "Chicks dig the long ball"-haven't they said "Home run hitters drive Cadillacs, singles hitters drive Fords" for decades (I think it was Ralph Kiner)? We just have had two extremes in the past 30 years which seems to be too close a juxtaposition for the wee baseball minds to grasp. By the way, Joe, the Cardinals have played in the same stadium since 1967. So how did it get smaller?] Ed Wahlgren: Dear Mr. Morgan, I got looking at Rickey Henderson's #'s from Newark and I appears to me he as been blackballed. I know there has to be a few teams who can use his services. How do you feel about this?
"I can't predict."-huh? We know, you can't even answer a question, but what does that have to do with anything? The question, which you again avoided-"ATFQ: Answer the f'ing question"-is whether or not Rickey is being blackballed, which is patently ridiculous. Why now? Why not 5 years ago after his peak? Rickey was being considered by the Yankees last week before they acquired Karim Garcia. Rickey is a 44-year-old, well known trouble maker, or that's how he's perceived. He probably could help a bunch of teams in a specialized role, but the impression is that he will not accept a reduced role. So he languishes. And it's a shame.] Eric Roseberry: With the obvious surplus of outfielders on the Reds and the recent grumblings of Adam Dunn and Jose Guillen do you see them dealing an outfielder, possibly for some starting pitching?
Jose Guillen is only 27 but has never come close to equally his offensive production so far this year in any of his previous 6 seasons. He has already established a career high in home runs (15). But Guillen has never been close to a league-average hitter; his best year was 12% worse than average. At 27, this could be his career year, which the Reds could ride to victory, or it could be a two-month fluke. Given his history, I'm inclined to pick the latter. Besides 30 years ago, Mike Schmidt hit .196 and struck out 136 times at the age of 23. Would you have recommended to the Phils to keep the then 32-year-old Cesar Tovar instead of the future Hall-of-Famer? The Reds should dupe some unsuspecting rube GM into taking the grousing Guillen off their hands for a decent starting pitcher and thank their lucky stars that they got the production that they did out of him. If he trades away Dunn in favor of Guillen, Jim Bowden should be shot, not fired, on the spot.] Dave (New York, NY): Hey Joe, I loved watching you play, and I love your analysis and Sunday Night games almost as much. I am a Mets fan, and I was wondering, do you think Jose Reyes can soon (next year) be a legitimate top-of-the-order hitter? Also, do you think the Mets are going to show interest in acquiring Carlos Beltran or Kevin Millwood during the offseason with the large amount of salary space they will have? Thanks for taking the question Joe.
Joe? Joe? Are you out there? Joe, we're used to you not answering questions directly, but a complete dis? Look, Reyes is batting .205 with an on-base percentage of .211. He's walked once in 73 at-bats. Could he lead off for the Mets? Sure. Could he be a legitimate leadoff hitter? It's doubtful by next year. Let the kid establish himself and hit more than Mo Vaughn's weight before you have him lead off. So far he is not making anyone forget Rey Ordonez.] Will the Mets have "salary space"? Vaughn is still owed at least another $17 M. Burnitz' and Alomar's $20M are free. If they have the money, young players stars like Beltran and Millwood would be the way to rebuild quickly and wisely. So that leaves the Mets out.] To be continued...
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! VI
2003-07-01 22:13
The UglyBryan (St. Louis MO): Joe, what's your take on the NL Central? The Cards have a potent lineup but only two reliable SP, the Cubs have just the opposite with the great SP but mediocre hitting, and the Stros have about the same as the Cards, with a better bullpen. What's it going to take for one of these three teams to emerge as the leader?
This sentence defies logic: "If you have good hitting and all of a sudden you get some good hitting, you have a better chance to pull away." To quote Buckaroo Banzai (for the first time right here on our big shoe, ladies and gentlemen), "Whenever you turn around, there you are." (And you thought I was going to quote John Lithgow's character from that movie by saying, "Laugh while you can, monkey boy!") It's not a catch-22 by the way. Here's Merriam Webster Online's definition for the term: 1 : a problematic situation for which the only solution is denied by a circumstance inherent in the problem or by a rule [the show-business catch-22--no work unless you have an agent, no agent unless you've worked -- Mary Murphy]; also : the circumstance or rule that denies a solution Their situations are by no means Gordian knots that are insoluble by definition. They just need a couple of players to pick it up or to pick up a couple of players. Anyway, here's the perfect Joe prediction that has enough disclaimers to cover not only his, but the entire Big Red Machine's behind. Whoever fills their "need" and plays best, wins. Great! So who's that going to be? The Magic Eight Ball would give you a better prediction. Who do I think will win it? I'm leaning towards the Cards. Their record is actually a little worse than expected: CENTRAL W L Exp W Exp L St. Louis 43 38 46 35 Houston 42 39 45 36 Chicago 42 39 43 38 The Cardinals have by far the best offense and the Cubs have the best pitching. The Cardinals starting pitching should improve, but any time that Kiko Calero is your best reliever, you have problems. Their bullpen has been atrocious (5.04 ERA) and probably won't improve much without reinforcements. Oh, and Morris injury situation will be very important. The Cubs offense should improve in the second half with healthy at-bats from Sammy Sosa and Hee Seop Choi. And Jose Hernandez should help. But with Grudzielanek, Miller, and Gonzalez getting plenty of ABs, they will still have holes (and Hernandez has been a sink hole so far this year). The Astros will suffer while Kent is out. There doesn't seem much chance of their players having a bigger second half than first (maybe Bagwell). Their starting pitching (4.57 ERA) has been suspect behind Oswalt. Miller should improve but Redding is starting to tank. And there is not much but unproven Triple-A tripe behind them. The 'Stros do have a good, deep bullpen (3:38 ERA with Wagner, Dotel, Lidge, Munro, Stone, and maybe Saarlos). These teams are pretty even overall, but I just think the Cardinals will pull it out. Oh, sorry, "put out front".] Derek ( WV ): Joe, as always it's a pleasure to hear what you think about all the happenings in baseball. On to the question. Some people say that when you ask who is the best player in baseball it is easy to just say Bonds, or A-Rod....while in other sports like football its harder to pick one solid star. Do you think that's a positive for baseball, or do you think it shows that maybe the league needs to find new ways to promote stars in the league. I know it's a team game, but with the unfortunate drop in popularity of baseball, don't you think only having a few players as the face of the league to most people is not the way to go.
But on to Derek, do you think basketball suffered when it was ruled by Michael Jordan? Having one or a few players who play exceptionally well and "having a few players as the face of the league to most people" are mutually exclusive. The NBA is a great example. They promoted many players while MJ was universally acclaimed the best, and they were very popular with the fans. Baseball just does not bother to promote its stars. It would rather devalue the players and promote retro uniforms, bobble heads, and home field in the World Series determined by an exhibition. By the way, "it's a pleasure to hear what you think"-you had better oil the wheel for the hamster before you go non compus mentus. To be continued...
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! VI
2003-07-01 20:56
Scott (annapolis): Speaking of positive stories, what about Barry Bonds 500th steal? To me that is the most remarkable thing done in a long time. I remember Jose Canseco and A-rod getting a lot of attention when they were 40-40, and there was a lot of attention on Soriano and Guerrero last year for nearly doing it. But it seems that Barry's 40-40 season is forgotten about.
Bonds 500-500 is to some degree a product of his era. He played in an era that still promoted steals in the late-Eighties/early Nineties. And then he played in the latest long ball era, the last 11 seasons.] Jim (Townsville, WI): Regarding the disappearance of "small ball" and the tiny ballparks now, do you think there's any chance that clubs will make an effort to move back their fences? Cincinnati's new park is really small, and their pitching seems to have really suffered compared to last year. And Milwaukee's dimensions are small too, and it really seems to be hurting a guy like Ben Sheets, who leads the league in HR allowed, but is otherwise having a fine season.
By the way, pitching for the Brewers even in Dodger Stadium would be bad for Ben Sheets. By the way, not "all the new parks are built that way." Comerica Park, Safeco Field, and Turner Field are pitcher's parks (or are at least more so then the stadiums they replaced). "It's more a HR hitting contest. And the fans seem to like it." Sure fans show up at the new parks to check them out, but the attraction wears thin fast. If fans are so enamored of today's style why is attendance down so far?] Michael (Boston, MA): I watch Nomar Garciaparra almost every night and he is as good a bad-ball hitter as I have ever seen. I don't get to see the rest of the league nearly as much as you, so I must ask: is there a better bad-ball hitter than Nomar in either league?
Offer an opinion, Joe. To quote John Blutasky, "It don't cost nothin'." As for me, I can't imagine a better bad ball hitter than Soriano. He hits some out of ear and we all know how much that hurts. ] To be continued...
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! V
2003-07-01 15:28
Derek ( WV ): Joe, what in your opinion is the best story so far in this MLB season thats not a story of controversy? Basically, what's your favorite positive story so far this year? Something that promotes the good things this game brings, instead of focusing on all the bad as we all seem to do.
As a Phils fan, I say f' the Royals being down for so long. They won a World Series in 1985. The Cubs have been down? They made the playoffs in 1998, thereby justifying the ridiculous MVP snubbing of Mark McGwire. Also, they were in the hunt in 2001 though they finished third, 5 games back. So always look on the bright side of death! Rob (NC): Mr. Morgan: You just said: "I'm glad you don't focus on the negative .. THAT'S not good for the game." I couldn't agree more, and we need more people in and around baseball thinking this way. Incidentally, I think you misinterpreted the Juan Gonzalez question. Justin was asking if Gonzalez VETOING the trade is bad for the game. I don't think it is, but that's what he was asking.
I believe that the 10-5 rule was something that the players collectively bargained for according to Marvin Miller's autobiography. The agents had little to do with it. Actually, I just Doug Pappas' site and 10-5 contracts were added in 1973. "Sometimes you get to a city and all of a sudden you have to uproot your family and move 2,000 miles. I'm not sure that's fair." If you are a 10-5 player, how did you just "get to a city"?] Justin (Oklahoma City): Sorry for the confusion Joe. What I meant when I said it doesn't seem good for the game is that when a small-market team like Montreal is in a pennant race and is turned down when trying to bolster their lineup,it is disappointing. I guess what is not good for the game is these people that ask for and receive no trade clauses. Texas gets no pitching prospects, Montreal doesn't get the slugger it needs for its pennant run. Now you see what I am saying? Thanks Joe. You are the best.
I'm glad to see you are concerned about small markets. Most people only care about the big markets.
Again, don't cry for Montreal, Argentina. He wouldn't last there longer than Cliff Floyd's 15 games with 'Spos in 2002.] Bryan (St. Louis): Joe, I beg to differ on your opinion about players uprooting their families. I am in the military and have to "uproot" my family every 3 or 4 years so that I can serve my country in another location, yet I make about 25K a year. These guys get paid 25K an at bat, and it's not fair for THEM to have to move?
Maybe their talents are a bit more in demand than yours. Therefore, they can demand that their family not be uprooted under some circumstances. Don't be bitter. By the way, after the 2002 season there were fewer than 50 10-5 men. A great deal of them have been released or left as free agents since 2002. I would post them if Blogger would not cough on them but you'll have to trust me on this.]
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Alomar Reunion
2003-07-01 15:17
From Lee Sinins: The Mets traded 2B Roberto Alomar to the Whitesox for minor leaguers
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All-Bud Bowl
2003-07-01 14:37
From MLB: Topps 2003 All-Star Game Online Vote powered by Nexl =============================================================== THE MIDNIGHT HOUR IS FAST APPROACHING... Several too-close-to-call races are hanging in the Click to vote >> AL Outfield Suzuki, I. 1,618,015 Matsui, H. 1,038,784 Ramirez, M. 808,529 Hunter, T. 702,475 AL Third Base Glaus, T. 627,189 Chavez, E. 469,324 Ventura, R. 449,549 NL Outfield Bonds, B. 1,157,384 Sosa, S. 894,156 Sheffield, G. 811,239 Pujols, A. 793,109 NL Second Base Giles, M. 587,648 Kent, J. 572,768 NL Catcher Lopez, J. 606,688 Rodriguez, I. 584,123 NL Shortstop Renteria, E 771,386 Furcal, R. 728,970 Make sure your voice is heard by using all 25 of your allotted votes before balloting closes. The Topps 2003 All-Star Online Ballot, powered by Nexl ends on Wednesday, July 2, 2003 at 11:59 PM ET. Click to vote >> ====================================================== Watch the Major League Baseball All-Star Selection Show - Sunday, July 6 on ESPN at 7 p.m. ET. ====================================================== After you've elected the starters, prepare to pick the 32nd man on each roster in the etopps All-Star Final Vote, July 6-9. Then on July 15, for the first time ever, vote online for the All-Star MVP, presented by Pepsi as the 74th All-Star Game unfolds before your eyes. ====================================================== Enter to win an All-Star Game Experience >> ====================================================== THIS TIME IT COUNTS Watch the Major League Baseball All-Star Game. July 15th on FOX @ 8 p.m. ET
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! IV
2003-07-01 14:20
St. Louis, MO: Hey Joe. I was wondering what you thought about Bo Hart. Is this a mirage or is the kid this good. I know he won't stay hitting .500, but could he stay around .300. How good is he really?
Look Hart isn't Jim Morris for goodness sake. He's 26. That's certainly not young, but it's far from old. Hart was batting .301 in Memphis and Baseball Prospectus says that's equivalent to .285. If the Cards get that out of him until Cairo returns, they will be happy. By the way, his full name according to ESPN is Bodhi J. Hart Hart. That's cool cool.] Matt, Philadelphia, PA: Hi Mr. Morgan... What do you think of the Phillies chances in the East? Sure, I'm a biased fan, but I personally think the Phillies could win it. They have the best overall pitching in the division; if only their bats would wake up (I think they will, eventually). The Braves current method of winning (hit the tar off the ball) doesn't ensure long-term success, the Phillies have handled them well so far, and there's still a ton of the season left. Your thoughts? Thanks much!
"[T]he Phillies have handled them well so far": So if the Phillies get to play the Braves exclusively, the division is theirs! Their biggest problems are on the left side: at third, short, left, and center. Jimmy Rollins is a crowd pleaser. David Bell and {at Burrell have hefty contracts. So Marlon Byrd will probably be replaced by Kenny Lofton or some such. They should package Rollins to the Marlins for Mike Lowell and shift Bell to second and Polanco to short, their original positions. But they won't, and everyone will say I'm off my byrd for suggesting it. "I don't know if anyone can ever complain about the Braves"? Who's complaining? What does this mean? "You can't just rely on pitching everyday." Isn't that how the Braves won the division for the last couple of seasons? Also, Joe should have addressed the comment, "The Braves current method of winning (hit the tar off the ball) doesn't ensure long-term success." It sure worked for the Yankees in the Thirties.] Brent (Arlington, VA): Joe: I just got married on Saturday so please post my message! What do you think about Lou Piniella getting mad at Ben Grieve for not arguing a strike call in yesterday's game against the Yankees? Don't you think that getting on a player for something like that can be counter-productive?
Crash Davis: They're kids. Scare 'em. He's got a young ballclub that he wants to keep focused. Lou has never been a reserved man. That has served him well so far. Why stop now? And now here's a chain of foolishness.] Justin ( Oklahoma City): Joe, What can you say about Juan Gonzalez' potential veto of is trade to Montreal? It doesn't seem good for the game and may end up hurting him in the long run. Do you agree?
[Phone rings] Good Coach impersonation, Joe. The proposed trade would have been for prospects (if there are any left) and Texas would eat his salary. Of course, Gonzalez would have been airlifted out of Montreal, a la Cliff Floyd, by the trade deadline anyway.] To be continued...
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Byrne-ing Up
2003-07-01 10:43
The Elephants in Oakland boys are miffed at Skip Clue-, er, Bayless because of his inane anti-Eric Byrnes stance. Go check them out.
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2003-07-01 10:03
Christian Ruzich, the Cub Reporter, is back from his brief hiatus. Go check him out. Just don't ask him how his fantasy team is doing.
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! III
2003-07-01 01:25
Matt (Cheshire, CT): Hi Joe. The White Sox have won 12 of their last 20, and it seems that Mark Beurle might be turning his season around. Even with their horrible start, they are sitting only 5.5 games out of first place. Do you think they have a legitimate shot at turning things around and winning the weak AL Central division? Or will they give up and start dumping salaries?
Jay (Holmdel, NJ): Hi Joe! Big Fan. I want to talk about Derek Jeter. Before the season he was really healthy and focused. Many people including myself and your colleauge Harold Reynolds, thought that he was going to have a 1999 repeat season offensively then his shoulder ended those thoughts. Do you think he will return to his near MVP form of 1999 ever again in the near future and if so when, next year, 2005, or later. Thank You.
He's still having a Hall-of-Fame type career. However, his main concern should be to re-establish his 1998, 2000-01 excellence and not worry about matching his possible watershed year. Unfortunately, his stats so far this year appear to lend credence to the sliding theory. We'll have to wait until later this year/next year to determine if it's still related to the injury or to an actual decline.] Steve(NYC): Hey Joe, what do you think about Mike Mussina's chances this year of finally winning 20 games in a season? Also, what about his chances at 300, he's got 191 and he's 34. Do you think he has a shot at it since he's on the Yankees and will have a great chance to win ball games?
As far as 300, he averages 17 wins a season. So he would need at least 6 healthy seasons at the same level to get close. It's possible but probably not a great bet. By the way, Joe, you ignored the 20-win question. By the All-Star game, he'll have at least 10 wins on a team that should remain successful. You do the math. To be continued...
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah! II
2003-07-01 01:24
The BadMitch Cumstein (Chicago, IL): Mr. Morgan, I've examined Larry Doby's numbers up and down and I can't see how the heck he got in. Doesn't letting players with such mediocre numbers cheapen the Hall and gives a disservice to the players who were actually good enough to be in?
So what were Doby's accomplishments? His lifetim OPS is 36% better than the park-adjusted league average. His career slugging average was about a hundred points better than league average and his on-base percentage, 40 points better. He hit 253 home runs in eleven seasons and parts of three more. He is a seven-time All-Star. Bill James ranks him 11th among center fielders all-time; every player ahead of him, aside from Jimmy Wynn, is in the Hall if he is eligible (and the only ineligible one is Ken Griffey, who will almost certainly go in). Doby is aheadof Dale Murphy, Earl Averill, Edd Roush, Whitey Ashburn, and a number of proffered Hall-of-Fame candidates. Doby's career was short, but he was a Hall-of-Fame caliber player in that time. He wasn't the best center fielder ever, but he far from cheapens the Hall. Besides that was done years ago.] Joe, Brooklyn, NY: Dear Mr. Morgan: I was very moved by what you wrote on Thursday concerning Larry Doby. Unfortunately, his story was not one that has been as widely told in the past. One point that you made that intrigued me concerned what Doby or Jackie Robinson would have accomplished without all of the terrible pressure that was placed on them. I've always found it interesting that Robinson rarely, if ever batted at the top of the order for the Dodgers. They felt that he was needed more in the middle of the lineup. Today, someone with his talent, speed, drive, courage, and intelligence (and not necessarily in that order would probably be batting leadoff, and be the most dynamic force in baseball. Do you agree?
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Joe Morgan Chat Day Tripper, Yeah!
2003-07-01 01:23
When Gregor Samsa woke up one morning from unsettling dreams, he found himself changed in his bed into a monstrous vermin..."What's happened to me?" he thought. It was no dream..."Oh God," he thought, "what a grueling job I've picked. Day in, day out on the road (as a traveling salesman)...To the devil with it all!" In the days of my youth, the daily newspapers would publish only the box scores from the games completed by the previous night's Mannix episode. West coast games were the stuff of legends-you were luck if they reprinted the box scores from local team's late-night games two days later. You were lucky to get the league leaders in Sunday editions. I was told to be a man (to continue the Led Zep motif) from the pages of The Sporting News, which have every box score, every stat. I would pour over the box scores that were that I missed and these were still the bare-bone affairs (i.e., no batting average or ERA or anything). TSN was monolithic in those days: Baseball Digest was nice, the glossy magazines had great pictures but little else. For the inside look at the game, there was just TSN. They had the weekly stats, the weekly team blurbs, and the annual register, guide, dope book, and record book. That's how it had always been and that's how it would always be and by cracky, we liked it. Well, then again there was Big Mac. My first Official Baseball Encyclopedia (paperback ninth edition from 1977 with Dave Concepcion on the cover) actually predated the MacMillan appellation-it was published by Doubleday. This was also before pitchers and batters were split out and, when viewed today, contained scant information. Here's Babe Ruth's entry from the above edition: RUTH, GEORGE HERMAN "BABE" "THE BAMBINO" OR "THE SULTAN OF SWAT" That's it. Soon, however, Bill James would start to self-publish his abstracts (though most of us were unaware of him until the mid-Eighties) and then we got naked and started the revolution. TSN took a backseat to the USA Today, which had the same box scores and blurbs but on a daily basis. It's bastard child, Baseball Weekly quickly unseated TSN as the weekly baseball record. Then came around and gave you box scores and notes in real time. BW since has become Sports Weekly to attract football fans who can actually read. Aside from "Matt at Bat" and Paul White's "Leading Off", BW is a shadow of its former self. Their front cover last week read "Double Threats: second base thrives with glove men who can drive the ball" accompanied by a photo of the no-range, stone-mitted Alfonso Soriano. Meanwhile, TSN fired baseball staff two weeks ago and will go with all newswire stories. Total Baseball quickly stole MacMillan's steam and became the official encyclopedia, but it has not been published in a few years. So our only up-to-date encyclopedia is Neft and Cohen's chintzy paperback one. No analysis in there. Meanwhile James became embittered with the world he had help work and gave up the abstracts. He still wrote his excellent books and helped form STATS, which published their Major League Handbooks until they were bought out by TSN and dismantled. We now have WHIP and DIPS whereas once we just had "The Lip". And so where are we? Baseball analysts are now the prop comics of the sports journalism world led by the Carrot Top-inspired Jayson Stark. They use stats inappropriately-"He's batting .400 against Pedro Matinez!" Of course, he's 2-for-5 with two dink singles and three K's, but they cite it like he owns Pedro. They use statistics to shock and amaze us-" If you count the 2000 World Series, it means that every year that the Yankees and Mets have met, at least one game has been decided in one team's final at-bat." (an actual Jayson Stark todbit). Then there are the neo-Luddites with their leader and my hero, Joe Morgan, a man who questions the validity of ERA and on-base percentage. So even after our metamorphosis what have we wrought? Let's witness: The GoodAaron (Cleveland): Joe, what's your opinion about sliding into first base head first?
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