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Infallibility by Proxy
2003-07-08 16:19
by Mike Carminati

You mention Larry Christenson injuring his knee in the charity bike-a-thon. He actually broke his collarbone, and it was his right elbow that he had the most problems with, undergoing numerous surgeries. I don't believe he ever had any knee injuries.

Christenson also suffered from a back (disc) problem since childhood and this caused him a lot of problems too, having to leave quite a few games with muscle spasms. But you are right, had it not been for the injuries he'd have been one of the best. I once read that the last pitch he ever threw in 1983, bad elbow and all, was clocked at 92 MPH.

Linda from NJ

Hi Linda from NJ,

You are absolutely correct. I had a brain cloud that made me forget "the thigh bone is connected to the..." song, thereby causing me to lose all connection to human anatomy. Going to the bathroom became extremely difficult and sometimes painful.

Anyway, thank you for pointing out this error from October. I had the Pope absolve me of all future errors at the end of October via papal bull--he's full of papal bull. And this was the first verification of its validity.

Take care,

"So I got that going for me, which is nice." (Caddyshack)

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