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Scoop from the Cub Reporter
2002-11-14 23:15
by Mike Carminati

Scoop from the Cub Reporter

The Cub Reporter informs me that Johnson never actually had a sit down with the Giants brass. So the picture I have in my mind, something akin to Ben Affleck's interview in Good Will Hunting, with Johnson stretching out his legs, putting them up on Brian Sabean's desk, and lighting a big cigar like he owned the joint was just an aberration from my twisted psyche. But it did make a better story.

Anyway, he has some additional info on the dealio:

I wrote to an acquaintance who is a sports reporter for a daily newspaper, and even he couldn't tell me why Johnson wasn't in the mix. Granted, his
departure from the Dodgers was acrimonious, and it could be that he doesn't *want* to manage anymore. The reporter implied that perhaps Johnson had
burned too many bridges, but baseball has a long history of welcoming back people who can help a team, no matter how "difficult" they are. I refuse to
believe that a team as desperate for a winner as the Cubs (or the Brewers, or the Tigers, or the Devil Rays) wouldn't at least *consider* hiring a
proven winner like Johnson.

As I wrote to him, I remember Johnson as a reclusive, introspective type as a player (everyone played for the Phils when they got past their prime). Maybe he's done with the whole business. Maybe his sick of having to interview with the Randy Smiths of the world and still not getting the job.

The Cub Reporter has additional information on Johnson on his site, which I have added to my links to the left.

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