Baseball Toaster was unplugged on February 4, 2009.
Pernicious Pen Name, Batman-The PETCO Padres!
The Padres, with one year left to play at "Qualcom" Park, already have an appalling appellation for their yet-unfinished new stadium, PETCO Park. The corporate sponsor is PETCO, the pet store chain. No, not the one with that annoying hand puppet dog.
Get this for classy:
The announcement was made in the new park by Padres chairman John Moores and PETCO chairman, president and CEO Brian Devine along with Eddie, the dog from the TV show "Frazier."
There was no word as to the extent of Eddie's participation in the announcement. Well, what do you expect for a sport run by a used car dealer? Why, Bud has class he's never even used yet. Yes, they've really gone to the dogs. Yuck Yuck.
Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.