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Retools of Ignorance
2003-05-09 09:54
by Mike Carminati

There are reports that Mike Piazza is making the long-awaited move to first base and that Phil Nevin, when he returns next year, will be the Padres' starting catcher.

Piazza is close to the record for home runs by a catcher but may not get a chance to break it. It's probably the best thing for his career in the long run. And given Mo Vaughn's situation, first is a position the Mets will need to fill at least by next season (they will probably eat the last year of his contract--he is owed $15 M for 2004 plus a$2 M buyout). Vance Wilson should hit well enough to start behind the plate, though they might find a replacement for Piazza.

Nevin was never a spectacular defensive catcher. He only had two season (1998-99) in which he played more than a handful of games there and was mainly a catcher only in 1999. He seems to have been competent there or at least as competent a catcher as a third baseman defensively. Maybe that's why they should keep him in the outfield. I, frankly, don't see the logic of moving an oft-injured, thirty-three-year-old player behind the plate, but that's me.

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