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Chasing Wright
2007-04-23 10:18
by Mike Carminati

Chase Wright made history by allowing a record-tying four straight home runs to the Red Sox en route to a 7-6 loss and a series sweep. Remarkably his five homers allowed in eight innings are not close to the worst for a pitcher (min. 5 innings pitched), but he is the only major-leaguer ever with the first name "Sebern":

Ron Taylor197200.00012.60 1.80 Undefined0.00 5 5.0 1.000
Henry Lampe189401.00011.81 4.50 0.14 1.69 5 5.3 0.938
Bill Trotter194401.00013.50 3.00 0.00 0.00 5 6.0 0.833
Rob Radlosky199901.00012.46 2.19 0.75 3.12 7 8.7 0.808
Travis Harper200102.0007.71 2.57 0.67 2.57 5 7.0 0.714
T.J. Tucker200001.00011.57 2.00 0.67 2.57 5 7.0 0.714
Mark Knudson199300.00022.24 3.71 0.60 4.76 4 5.7 0.706
Rafael Valdez199001.00011.12 2.29 1.50 4.76 4 5.7 0.706
Scott Davison199600.0009.00 1.56 3.00 9.00 6 9.0 0.667
Josias Manzanillo200302.00012.66 2.34 3.00 10.13 7 10.7 0.656
Vladimir Nunez200303.00016.03 2.63 1.43 8.44 7 10.7 0.656
Fred Wenz1969101.0005.73 1.73 1.10 9.00 7 11.0 0.636
Ron Kline197000.0007.11 1.74 1.50 4.26 4 6.3 0.632
Chase Wright2007101.0007.8821.00 10.80 58 0.625
Matt Williams198311.50014.63 2.50 0.71 5.63 5 8.0 0.625
Brandon Kolb200100.00013.03 2.48 1.00 7.45 6 9.7 0.621

More on the sweep itself later.

2007-04-23 10:54:01
1.   C2Coke
Hopefully last night was not his only record of making history.

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