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Gammon's Normalcy
2003-05-28 23:45
by Mike Carminati

Main Entry: 1gam·mon
Pronunciation: 'ga-m&n
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English, from Old North French gambon ham, from gambe leg -- more at GAM
Date: 15th century
1 chiefly British : HAM 2
2 chiefly British a : a side of bacon b : the lower end of a side of bacon

- Webster's online

Peter Gammons invented a word tonight on Baseball Tonight: exuberation. Look it up. It's a figment of his imagination, but then again a lot of things are.

Harold Reynolds seemed ready to laugh in Peter's gibbering face when he claimed that the Orioles should be content not to contend because they have a four-year plan. Gammons further blathered on about the amount of money that the O's had lost over the last three years and how they needed to cut salary. Reynolds rightly pointed out that everyone is in the same boat except the Yankees.

Reynolds and Bobby Valentine continued to spit out giddy asides of "But they have a four-year plan" for the rest of the program. Gammons seemed slightly annoyed and confused whenever it happened, but that seems to be his usual demeanor so it's difficult to say if the gibes registered.

One thing's for sure, he did not display any exuberation irregardless.

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