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Retraction...of Foot from Mouth
2003-06-02 00:53
by Mike Carminati

In last week's Joe Morgan Chat Day review, I said that Tom Jones sang the "Love Boat" theme. John Salmon points out that it was Jack Jones.

I thought he was the guy who wrote A Thin Red Line, but that was James Jones. But I thought he was the guy who wrote A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, but that was James Joyce. I thought he was the guy who wrote The Portrait of a Lady, but that was Henry James. I thought he was "a steel drivin' man," but that was John Henry. I thought he was a pitcher whose name is synonymous with a type of reconstructive surgery, but that's Tommy John. I thought he sang "What's Up Pussycat?" (woo, woo, woo-oh), but that was Tom Jones.

So you see how it could have happened. Sorry.

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