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Choi Severely Injured
2003-06-07 14:40
by Mike Carminati

Hee Sop Choi has just been removed from Wrigley Field by an ambulance after colliding with Kerry Wood on a fly ball near home plate. Choi made a good lunging catch on the win-blown fly but was apparently hit be Wood's glove and then fell backwards on to the dirt cutout along the third base line. He was motionless for a few minutes while the trainers attended him. They seemed very concerned about a possible spinal injury, squeezing Choi's hand to verify that he could respond. After about five minutes an ambulance was brought onto the field via an opening in the right field wall. Choi was then lifted via a flat board and a gurney to the ambulance amid cheers of his name from the fans who had been deathly quiet the entire time. Dusty Baker placed a ball (possibly the one he caught) inside the ambulance before the door was closed. He was still being attended inside the ambulance for some minutes as Wood, who looked visibly shaken, and Eric Karros, his first base replacement, got ready to resume play.

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