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Fearless Predictions...That Are Invariably Wrong
2006-04-02 21:58
by Mike Carminati

OK, here goes...

AL East:
Yankees, (Blue) Jays, Red Sox, (Devil) Rays, O'Jays (I know, I swapped the Jays and the Sox at the last minute)

AL Central:
Cleveland, Chicago (WC), Minnesota, Detroit, Kansas City

AL West:
Oakland of Sacramento, Texas of Arlington, Bakersfield of Anaheim, Seattle of Olympia

NL East:
Atlanta, Mets (WC), Phils, Washingon, Florida

NL Central:
St. Louis, Milwaukee, Houston, Chicago, Pittsburgh, Cincinnati

NL West:
Los Angeles of Dodgers, San Diego, Arizona, San Francisco, Colorado of Anaheim

ALCS: A's over Yankees
NLCS: Braves over Cards
World Series: A's over Braves
Worst Teams: Marlins and Royals
Most likely to be contracted: Marlins, Twins
Strike or Lockout: Neither, but Don Fehr and Bud Selig will be wed by the start of next season
Results of Steroid Probe: Bud Selig will come out smelling like roses (pun intended), George Will will write am editorial supporting MLB. Joe Morgan will blame Billy Beane...and Leon is getting laaaaaarger!

2006-04-02 22:19:53
1.   Voxter
As a Red Sox fan, I am here to express my rage and disappointment at your prediction that the Red Sox will finish behind the Blue Jays.
2006-04-02 22:38:27
2.   Mike Carminati
OK. Please do so.
2006-04-04 08:50:17
3.   Mike from Hoboken
As a Yankees fan, I am here to express my delight at your prediction that the Sox will finish behind the Blue Jays.

Comment status: comments have been closed. Baseball Toaster is now out of business.