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Sex and the Stadium
2004-12-18 21:16
by Mike Carminati

One of the opponents to the funding of a new Washington stadium is "a major landowner" in what he refers to as "D.C.'s unofficial Red Light district" according to a report by a local radio station. "[U]p to 20 percent of the $50,000 [used partially in phone campaigns] came from Robert Siegel, an Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner whose business would have to move to make way for the stadium."

Now, I'm not really concerned about the salaciousness of man's business, though that plays in Peoria. I would find Siegel's campaign disingenuous had he just owned parking lots. Though one has to question the wisdom of placing a stadium in the shadier parts of town. Then again, I'm sure the locals wanted to kill two birds with one stone: rid the area of the smut and free up cheap land for a stadium.

I guess they never counted on the current residents starting a grass roots movement to spurn the stadium deal. No news as yet which city's red light district will house the Expos/Nationals/Orphans next.

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