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Competitive Balancing Act II, Scene III—This Is Pop: Redefining Large- and Small-Market by Population
2004-04-09 01:23
by Mike Carminati

Other entries in the series:

Competitive Balancing Act I—The King James Version: An Overview of the Literature, Scenes I, II, III, and IV
Competitive Balancing Act II—This Is Pop: Redefining Large- and Small-Market by Population, Scenes I, II, and III
Competitive Balancing Act III—C'mon Freddy, Everyone into the Poo-el: Reviewing the Available Player Pool
Competitive Balancing Act IV—Natural Resources: Attendance and Competitive Balance

The previous section contained an anecdotal history of the team movements and expansions to new markets, a nice and easy review. "Y' know, every now and then I think you might like to hear something nice and easy. But there's just one thing: you see, we never ever do nothing nice and easy. We always do it nice and rough. So…we're gonna do the finish rough." (Thank you, Tina)

What would one of my studies without heaping gobs of tables? So here goes.

To be continued…

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